Oh okay then. Out of curiosity, is there any sort of lore in the game regarding this? What I mean is, in the real world, our religions have specific stances on sixual preferences, and our societies have specific stances on excessive sleeping around. Was Bioware creative enough to address the fact that there seems to be an abundance of people willing to sleep with you regardless of your gender, utilizing the attitudes of the society you find yourself in and the dominant religion there, or is it truly nothing but fan-service?
The in game religion is the chantry, its just like christianity (even got templars and "exhaulted marches") but they never had any issues regaurding sixuality.
So there is nothing much in terms of lore about sixuality becuase the cantry never gave a damn. And the fact I saw on the forum some had all romances on one playthrough... I think its just fan service, I noticed it alot with ME2 "wah wah, my fem hawke cant romance Tali, wah".
Its fanservice, BW always gives fanservice, look at miranda in ME2, skintight suit, you see her ass hal of the time instead of her face, tali was the nery chick with low self esteem, and in DA2 isabella is the woman who sleeps around and decides not to wear pants, just boots a thong ad a corset iirc.
I'm kinda glad BGS avoids this type of stuff so that they don't have to worry about people with pitchforks complaining about Anders or similar character being a little too weird for my Male Hawke or Protagonist.
I am glad BGS has no romance in games at all, I have seen the BW forums, and some things creep me out, mainly the people who like Tali. One guy posted that he thinks six with Tali would be like "making love in a bathtub of vasaline" and then you had that Tali doll *shudders* no Bioware can have that stuff on their forum/games.
Besides fanservice is a great way for a dev to loose my respect, granted thats worthless but still, its quite pathetic.