I have to disagree. With dragons scales protected pretty much their entire body besides their under-bellies, the only really effective way to fight dragons would be magic. Going by that logic, a theif or a rouge character will pretty much be screwed from the start, since they only have daggers and arrows with poison.
Why is hand to hand always held to realism? We have bows that magically light arrows on fire, we got swords that can deal ice damage when enchanted properly, we got magic spells for crying out loud. If you ask me, Hand to hand should get a name change so people stop thinking hand to hand combat is only meant for KO smaller oponents that you don't want to kill. I'm all for weapons that resemble boxing gloves that drain stamina along with health, and when the stamina goes negative the enemy passes out. But there should ALSO be other weapons that increases the hand to hand skills deadly capabilities. Something like daderic boxing tape, that makes our fists something that can punch a dragon strait in its scaly back and have the scales crack under the force of the punch. There should be perks that allow you to blast enemies back, like the Scribe counter perk that you can get from Veronica.
Daggers and arrows can pierce a dragon's scales though(scales are not metal

) A punch by a mortal cannot. Only way I can see a punch doing damage to a dragon is if a Spell or Dragon Shout was used that makes the users punch do more damage. Otherwise I'm all for realistic damage(just my opinion, everyone's is different.) If they added claws and bladed fist weapons I will agree that hand-to-hand would be a viable combat technique. Boxing tape will do little to aid you against a dragon, mountain troll or armored man.
I'm seriously annoyed when people flip out at the fact that spellmaking could be gone, but then go and sugest that hand to hand should be weakened so you can only KO people. Seriously gets on my bad side. Not pointing fingers at anyone here, I'm just speeking in general.
Generally speaking you're correct. Personally speaking, I'm fine with them getting rid of both, spellmaking and hand-to-hand

Because I'm sure there are more spells to choose from.