[REC] Mart's Mutant Mod needs YOU!

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:16 am

Mart's Mutant Mod needs YOU!

I've been meaning to make this post for a while, but as usual I get distracted by the mod itself or I run out of free time. There's still a number of features I want to do with MMM, and others are only partially complete, so I'm [REC]ruiting for those who want to donate their skills.

If you can help out with any of the below, drop me a line or reply here. Naturally, credit is given for all work.

::: Creature Skeletons

Right now the Skeleton Decay feature only applies to NPCs, simply because skeleton meshes and textures are included in vanilla Fallout 3 and it was easy for me to use them. But what about creatures? It would flesh the game out greatly to stumble across the skeletons of past kills (yours, or anothers) as you travel back across the wasteland. Modeling and texturing skills to are required to create creature skeletons for:

  • Vicious Dog
  • Vicious Dog Pups
  • Brahmin
  • Molerat
  • Molerat Pups
  • Deathclaw
  • Deathclaw young
  • Yao Gaui
  • Yao Gaui Cub
  • Geckos
  • Wanamingo
  • Floaters (or maybe not, mostly fleshy these guys)
  • Centaurs
  • Mirelurks
  • Radscorpion
  • Super Mutants

Note Skeleton Decays currently does work for Feral Ghouls, I used NPC skeletons since the ghouls are humanoid enough.

::: Corpse textures

Something I've wanted to add since the start is an intermediary stage before skeleton decay: so dead NPC/Creatures --> decomposing corpse --> skeleton. It's pretty easy for me to add this using the skeleton decay system, and thanks to some tricky functions I can create rotting creature corpses (complete with 'rotten' versions of animal meats) and NPCs which will retain their original clothing and inventories. This, combined with creature skeletons above, could really add some atmosphere to the wasteland: entering a cell and finding new enemies, decomposing bodies of old ones, and skeletons from those from before that. The wasteland, at every stage of survival.

Basically, I need 3-5 variant textures for all of the above list for creatures, plus one set for NPCs (we just need a single set to handle all NPCs -- face and hair data is retained).

::: Robobrain diverse skins

You might have noticed the only robots not to get variant textures in RC6 were the Robobrains. Darksloth did an amazing job on all the other robot varieties, but ran out of steam before he could do the Robobrains. What's required are 3-5 variants on the default Robobrain (rusted, battle worn, etc) each with unique serial numbers, and if possible 1-2 variants specific to each faction that uses them: army, enclave, outcast etc.

::: Diverse skins for DLCs

We have Trog variants for the Pitt, and Anchorage doesn't really need variants (mostly NPCs, for which variance is determined by loot mods), but we don't have skins for aliens in Zeta, skins for Swampfolk in Point Lookout etc. On average 5 variant skins are enough for each creature, but if I'm given more I'll use them.

::: Chemical Extraction Crafting

This is something I'm really excited about. If you played MMM for Oblivion you'll know it came with a 'Hunting & Crafting.esp' module which allowed you to craft armors and arrows out of the wide range of skins and parts lootable from creatures with MMM loaded. I've been wanting to do something similar with MMM for Fallout for a while, but fortunately I don't have to -- a Russian modder by the name of Vovenok has made a crafting mod that lets you extract and create chemical concoctions out of creature meats and parts lootable from creatures. These incude Geckos, Floaters, Wanamingos, Deathclaws, Centaur etc. Vovenok has graciously granted permission for Chemical Extraction to be integrated into MMM, but it needs some work. Mainly, a translation for the images. Here's the Russian screenshots:

  • http://members.iinet.net.au/~amills/zChemExtract1.jpg
  • http://members.iinet.net.au/~amills/zChemExtract2.jpg
  • http://members.iinet.net.au/~amills/zChemExtract3.jpg
  • http://members.iinet.net.au/~amills/zChemExtract4.jpg

Aside from making new textures for the bottles in english, the plugin needs to be updated with the latest additions from RC6.1, and perhaps some general balance.

::: The Mart's Mutant Mod for Fallout 3 trailer!

Waaay back in the mists of time, I once worked on a video with Nerbod to create a Mart's Monster Mod for Oblivion video, which you can grab here:

  • http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=101&view=Videos.Detail

Or watch it on YouTube, but low-res (this was before YouTube allowed high-res uploads):

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Vv9cfn4nEM

I highly recommend the high-res download from PES, and the volume turned up :) My only request is to let me have some input into it, and that it feature the Gargantuan doing his thing at Evergreen, something like what Lyrand recorded here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6p7XBgf-Do. Other than this, the idea is to showcase the various creatures and features, and leave viewers drooling and/or wanting a change of pants.

::: Documentation cleanup and update

Lastly an important task that I haven't had time to complete myself, as any free time I get I'm usually spending on the mod -- you may have noticed that the README and MMM core posts don't include some of the recent changes since RC5. The full list of changes from creatures is incomplete, and some new features aren't mentioned at all. I understand it may not necessarily be the easiest to follow of structured posts, either :) So anyone willing to update, improve structure and even beautify the README and core posts will be honored in the credits.

I've also been asked a number of times if there is a central matrix of all the new creatures, general stats, what level they appear, new loot etc. This is quite a task (requiring a lot of time in the GECK or FO3Edit), but if this was created I would most certainly include it.

Well, that's it for now. If you'd like to help with any of these, PM me or reply here. And I thank you humbly in advance.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:08 am

*watches tumbleweed blow by*

I realise I probably should have posted this before NV came out, but we have plenty of talented modelers and texturers in our community, if you're looking for a creative itch to scratch! I could probably do with a single 'decayed' texture for all creatures and use an applicable shader for the corpse textures request above, if that sounds like less work (but I'd also need some help from a shader expert, I haven't played with them much).

And does the Crafting plugin not inspire anyone? It's already translated from Russian to English, all we need are some new textures for the bottles, some new chemical creations for RC6 additions, and perhaps some balance tweaks. This is a plugin with your name on it (and Vovenok's of course, the original Russian author).

Don't make me nuke the Mojave Desert to bring some of you back (and then send over a hoarde of Deathclaw Alphas to clean up the stragglers. I know, I'm gentle that way)

I'll do it. You know I will :)
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:25 pm

Hi Mart. :)

Give it time, your right in that most folks are in the middle of their first play-throughs, I'm 130 hours into it and still have about 30% of the map markers to find/places to learn. Its a fascinating place (took the explorer perk at 20) - and what I love is that they condensed the locations and left huge swaths of the map un-done - perfect for modding locations and DLCs. The more I explore the the world, the more interesting the design becomes - Obsidian molded the land much more than Bethesda did to taylor to specific encounters. Oscuro did a fantastic job at making challenging exterior monster encounters! Most deadly spawns are in groups and some of the new monsters are deadly in detail (i.e. Cazadores and Death Claws - I wont even fight DT's in groups, its suicide) - but it still needs MMM to make it much, much harder. ;)

Also alot of peeps are busy slamming out mods, like last time there is a gold rush of sorts on critical mods coming out - the portability from Fallout3 has been really grand. My airport convereted with just 5% (~2k models) of loss that wasn't transferred - which I never expected.

Hopefully peeps will come around to help out, MMM is a huge asset to the community. I'm personally committed right now to the final chapter edits of the NV-Edit manual for Elminster (JustinOther helped out hugely this time too), but once that is completed I should be able to help with the documentation if you need. :) Aside from level design that has been my chief strength/contribution to the community here.



p.s. Thank you Mythgraad for getting Martigen a copy of the game, that was very cool of you. :goodjob:
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:34 pm

Hello again Mart =]
Glad to see your still working on this.

I'd be more than happy to do some Robobrain retextures, or any robot for that matter.

Here are a few I have uploaded to the nexus already (Theyre in the robot optional pack of my restoreout mod)

Robobrain retextures

Sentry Bots


Mr Gutsy

Like I said they are an optional of my Restoreout mod located here:

I can do destroyed textures also.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:25 pm

If I get some free time after I finish converting some of my mods over to FNV then I'd love to help out. School really kills me, as you probably remember from working with me on MMM for FO3 lol. Good to see you are around as well.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:27 am

MMM is awesome, it inspired me to go back to Oblivion and tryout the MMM there. I offer you my utmost levels of moral support, but sadly I have little else to contribute. I know next to nothing about Models, Textures and Skins. What little Russian I know is limited to key phrases from old foreign films. My only strong suit is scripting, and I'm sure you could script circles around me. But if you need an anchor around your neck to drag you down, I'm your man.

Seriously, there is a lot of talent here and your name alone will attract it. Don't give up.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:48 am

I can translate the Russian mod for you Matt. Please tell me where I can get it and I'll get on it straight away.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:57 am

Hello again Mart =]
Glad to see your still working on this.

I'd be more than happy to do some Robobrain retextures, or any robot for that matter.

Here are a few I have uploaded to the nexus already (Theyre in the robot optional pack of my restoreout mod)

Fantastic! Thankyou KD. I'll get back to you later in the week when my real life workload eases up a bit and I can focus on the mod again.

If I get some free time after I finish converting some of my mods over to FNV then I'd love to help out. School really kills me, as you probably remember from working with me on MMM for FO3 lol. Good to see you are around as well.

Thanks DT, let me know when you're free.

I can translate the Russian mod for you Matt. Please tell me where I can get it and I'll get on it straight away.

The crafting module is already translated, but thankyou. All it needs is some new textures for the crafted fluids, an update to add new ingredients from items added in RC6 (so anyone can be creative here in adding new chemical effects), and probably just a little playtesting for balance.

It really is a nice addition Vovenok has made, it just needs a few updates to be complete and ready to include.
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Solène We
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:43 am

All it needs is some new textures for the crafted fluids

That's exactly what I had in mind. Where can I find these textures to edit them? I couldn't find Vovenok's mod anywhere and I don't think these are included in your last release (RC 6.2).
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:55 pm

That's exactly what I had in mind. Where can I find these textures to edit them? I couldn't find Vovenok's mod anywhere and I don't think these are included in your last release (RC 6.2).

Oh fantastic. I'll PM you a link to the original textures :)
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:00 pm

All it needs is some new textures for the crafted fluids

On November, 7th I have sent on yours email archive with the translated textures. What with them not so?
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:29 am

On November, 7th I have sent on yours email (xxx@xxx) archive with the translated textures. What with them not so?

Errr...maybe posting his e-mail address here isn't such a good idea? Loving the crafted chemicals idea though! :thumbsup:
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:50 am

On November, 7th I have sent on yours email.

Sorry Vovenok, haven't checked the email been a bit busy, will do so now.
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:11 am

LordInquisitor posted a pic of a Deathclaw skeleton...


Maybe he could be recruited :)
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:21 am

I can do decaying animals no problem if you still want the help?

I'll wait till I get a positive go ahead from you before I start because I'm working on some of my own mods right now and I'd rather not do the work for nothing lol,

Just PM or comment back if you'd like to see an example =]
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:10 am

I realize this isn't really the place for this question, but I really don't know where else to reach you, mart.

Do you have any future plans for New Vegas?

While I can't help you with anything mod wise, I give you my full support in your work, and consider this mod an essential part of the Fallout 3 experience. God Bless you.
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El Goose
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:25 pm

I realize this isn't really the place for this question, but I really don't know where else to reach you, mart.

Do you have any future plans for New Vegas?

While I can't help you with anything mod wise, I give you my full support in your work, and consider this mod an essential part of the Fallout 3 experience. God Bless you.


I cant play Fallout NV after playing FO3 with MMM and Wasteland travellers. I know Im not the only person who is holding out for the release or atleast the announcement of MMM:NV
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