if someone chooses to only play bots they are not boosting they are grinding.
will it be easier to get wins kills and xp by playing only bots? more than likley yes.
will this make them better than players that play other players probably not.
boosting would be setting up a private macth you have 1 team using the gamertags they want to boost.
and one team of secondary gamertags that people dont care about.
team one keeps killing team 2 wich doesnt fight back.
that along with cap objectives then getting the win.
this will most likley be how people boost.
This will be what boosters do.
Then they'll be the only people who are at Rank 5 when they reach it, so they'll only be playing against other players who did the same thing.
Then the legitimate players will start showing up, and they'll be slaughtered by people who had to work for their levels, but who, as a result, KNOW HOW TO PLAY.
Eventually, less-skilled non-boosters will start adding to the numbers of Rank 5 players as well - the extra experience will still allow them to beat the boosters, though. Then the boosters will be well and truly outnumbered by superior players, and will ragequit. Problem solved.