one thing that annoyed me in oblivion is that i had to rest after every fight to restore fatigue, and that kind of jarred me out of the game.
so what if you could sit anywhere? like you are done with a fight and you sit down which makes your stamina regenerate super fast.
then to make it more immersive, they could have a list of other things that would encourage sitting or taking a breather.
for example, (in the wilderness) you have to be sitting to use the apparatuses that come with alchemy like a calcinator, alembic, or retort. and to repair your weapons in the wilderness (which really isn't plausible anyway) you must be sitting. and maybe you have to sit in order to rest. it could also be required to regenerate powers and stuff like that.
i don't know i think it sounds pretty cool.
i know i make lots of comparisons to the witcher, but i think that is another thing that they did right that should be brought over to skyrim.
edit: it doesn't even have to be sitting. it could just be called "idle mode" or "rest mode". something like that.