Starting new roleplaying character

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:54 am

It has been months since I've played Oblivion for the last time. Seeing it becoming a dust attractor, I pick it up and put the disc in the station. Checked all my mods, and off we go. The thing is, I've lost all my saves (Just blame Windows) and I'm eager to start a new character. After a few hours wasted in school, I've come up with a new character. I'd like to hear some opinions.

Name: Arelar Curio
Age: Unknown, thought to be around thirty-five years old
Race: Imperial
Birthsign: Mage (Mod which balances all birthsigns to be better)
Class: Battlemage (kinda)
Mysticism, (Mod which adds USEFUL spells, like teleportation)

Quick Note: Why don't you chose light/heavy armor, you may ask. The thing is, the mod which adds useful spells, balances the birthsigns and whole magic system, also decreases the spell effectiveness by 80% if I'm unskilled. Burning touch would only damage 2 pts instead of the full 10 pts. 'nuff said.
Quick Note2: Alchemy will be my '8th' major skill. Everyone can use it, right?

One day, a noble called Crassius Curio walked around town and found the commoner who was cleaning the council manor rather... Interesting. They spent the night with each other, but the next day he had fled. The commoner was left alone pregnant of a son, She called him Arelar. Because she couldn't sustain herself and her son, she left him in the streets. Fortunately, a mage found him and brought him to the mages guild, where he grew up. When they started to teach him, they realised the boy had a talent for magic. When he reached the age of fourteen, he was a journeymand already. Life was easy.

Years later, a stranger joined the guild. When he first saw her, he was stunned by her beauty. They were send on a errand together to kill the former guild member Telura Ulver. He would never forget that she saved his live by killing the necromancer before she could deal the final blow to him. From that day on, they travelled together.

Many days and adventures passed, but the day they were in Vivec, Curio manor to be precise, is interesting.

They had permission to see master Curio, the owner of the manor. Hours passed, but finally a savant came in the guest room to teel them that master Curio was ready. They walked down the stairs and went into the room of Crassius. What they saw there, was a man sitting behind his desk, writing in his book. He looked up, and grasped. He looked at his son.
"You have the look of your mother, caring and benelovent." said Curio
"YOU are my father? After fifteen years of searching, I find out that YOU, a corrupted nobleman, are my father? Why have you done this to my mother! She was probably heartbroken. I first thought she had fled the city, but later I heard about a women who tried to murder all the Hlallu councilmen in the council manor in Balmora. 'luckily' she was put down and killed by the guards in the streets when she tried to escape. Do you call that justice. Now we need to kiss your feet and beg you to make her, my companion for life, hortator? You sick N'wah!" cried Arelar and he started to mumble. His companion, seeing that the situation became more and more dire, calmed Arelar down. Now Curio started to cry too.
"I didn't want to leave her. She was so beautiful, so caring. I saw her giving a chump of bread to one of the beggars in the street, although she didn't had enough money to sustain herself. I wanted to feel her pure body next to mine. But when I woke up in her shack, I was too inexperienced and thought I needed to 'repent' myself for my dishonourable deeds. But please, I beg of you, don't make another unnecessary murder. I already have paid for my deeds. Just don't make it worse." Curio begged.
"We all make mistakes, and although I hate you, I can understand your actions. But first, please name her hortator. You may know about the coming darkness. Dagoth Ur is the threat to us all, to our very survival. You too must see that, like your fellow councilmen" Arelar said
"Yes, yes! I, Crassius Curio, councilman of Hlaalu, vote for you as hortator and because know everybody voted for you, you are herby known as the Hlaalu hortator, take this belt. It will proof that you are the hortator of house Hlaalu. Please, leave me."
With those words, Arelar and the new Hlaalu hortator left the manor. A few days later, Arelar decided to return. A servant said that Crassius was busy with a meeting, but Arelar didn't listen. When he rushed into the chambers, he saw him in an embarassing position with an argonian maid. He was furious and released all his hidden magical power in a burning force what killed all around him, except Crassius. Arelar punched Crassius right in the face and teleported away. When he fell in the arms of his companion, he felt exhausted, but also satisfied. To mock Crassius, he called himself from that day Arelar Curio.

Many days pass, but how does he end up in jail, you ask? Well, we all know that after the destruction of Dagoth Ur, the incarnation of Indoril Nerevar traveled to Akavir. As she was his companion, he would have gone with her. But Arelar was furious about her decision and left immediadly for a voyage to Cyrodiil. There, an attempt to kill him was done by the dark brotherhood, because he and the Nerevarine destroyed their base in Morrowind. The guards didn't saw it as self-defense but as 'brutal murder' and fined for that. Now he is stuck in the Imperial Prison, counting his days.

As he was a member of the Mages guild he will join them again. Also, he has shown interest in the fighters guild.

What do you think about him?
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jessica robson
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:31 pm

Well, it was a very interesting bio. I didn't see anything stick out that scream "Overpowered" but if you aren't actually planning on using him as a Roleplaying character, like joining in a few threads here then I guess that doesn't matter :). I'd say... go with it. He sounds like an interesting fellow, unique but still has that sense of normality to him which isn't necessarily bad ;).
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