Once the game comes out, I may have to make a new Dragon RP that comes from the Dragon side of the whole thing...
Unless, of course, they totally eff up dragons.
FC4, long time no see

Are you here to possibly join an RP for the holidays, or just sight seeing?
I wouldn't mind a dragon RP; though it does really depend on what new lore we get for dragons. Hopefully Bethesda won't disappoint us in the lore department this game <_<
PS Are both RPs dead over at Illusionaria? I've been meaning to post, but I'm not sure if they're still going on...
Crimson Scars vs Dark Brotherhood would be sweet, although we know who loses -_-
I can also expect to have on a helmet with many noobs that will be coming to the forums and posting some "Uber Duber" character or some anime-related thing.
Though I wouldn't mind a Scars RP, the one they're talking about was Tong vs. DB. Unless you were suggesting a different RP entirely, in which case I agree, that would be a good one. Maybe in the future we can think about making one here ^_^