The first one involves radiation being ineffective. No matter what I do, I cannot become irradiated in any way. I am pretty sure this has something to do with the weather mods. Help?
The second bug effects (as far as I can tell) only Rivet City. The entire game script is in English except for when I come to the doors for the Market, Stairwell, and the individual decks. I approach the doors and it gives me the command to open the door but in a different language. Again, help?
Things to note: 1. When I activated Enhanced Weather in FOMM, it gave me an error about needing a script that was not there. I continued any way and things seem to be working ok. 2. Although I downloaded and ran Fellout for a little bit, I am no longer running it and it is deactivated on FOMM. I put it in the list just in case that had something to do with it.
Thanks in advance