Sheogorath in TES?

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:35 am

News flash - while MK is awesome and an irreplaceable contributor to Elder Scrolls lore, he's not god, and his word is not final. Especially if he's no longer a Bethesda full time employee. His lore is his opinion, and it may be expressed as an opinion of in-game characters occasionally, but it's not the gospel.

So I'll repeat my first point. It depends entirely upon which story you read. Arkay may or may not have always been a god.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:20 pm

Wait, what? I am so bamboozedly confused by that. If you don't have to be a Daedric Prince to be Sheogorath, then how is the Shivering Isles a Daedric Realm, and how is it still in existence? After all, I was under the assumption that the realm IS the prince, and the prince IS the realm? If there's no Daedric prince to embody it (or for it to embody), the wouldn't SI just cease to exist? Based on that thinking, how can the CoC wear the title of Sheogorath but not be a daedra? Or is this explained by some aspect of mantling that I'm just not getting?

Goodness, my head hurts :(

Originally the Shivering Isles was the Realm of Jyggalag, a place of crystals and order. Given that he's turned back into Sheogorath once Order is victorious in destroying the realm of madness, I suspect that the magic of the realm (minus the aspects of order in the realm) may somehow been changed to be independent of Jyggalag, possibly derived instead from the Tree of Madness. This may be the why the realm has native mortal creatures like Nirn.
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