Whenever I enable "EVE - FWE master release.esp" (from FOIP) the game menu doesen't show up so I can't play! I mean, it doesen't crash or anything, but no menu... it gets stuck there!
I tryed disabling everything but EVE - FWE master release.esp and it's masters and still didn't work, my load order is good I know that (BOSS...) don't know what the hell happends...
I also tryed disabling EVE - FWE master release.esp and enabling all my other puglins (+100, mostly compatibility patches for DLC and all that I don't use that many mods) and it worked perfectly... it's weird, I'm about to start without this .esp ... or do a patch my self fixing the weapon stats (I guess it's mostly that...)
I looked for older versions of the patch but they've already been deleted D:
I tryed masterupdating but here's my second problem, it doesen't work! I downloaded the latest FO3EDIT, installed it in the game folder, copied "FO3EDIT.exe" and changed the name to "FO3MasterUpdate.exe" but when I execute it it starts F3View or something, and I don't know how to masterupdate from there...
Sorry for my bad english , thanks