EDIT: ok no one's replying, so maybe i need to clarify a little more... I'm making a player owned ship that can travel to and from each of the port cities(as well as a few new world spaces i created). i decided the easiest way to do that would be to just create multiple references of the same ship (one in each port) as activators and throw a script on all of the ship parts that enables or disables them depending on that particular references location and a global variable that gets set to different numbers depending on where the ship is moving to. so if the variable is set to 2 (for imperial city) i want the script to enable the references in the imperial city waterfront.
here is what i've come up with so far:
scn TRlocation;global short SCTideRunnerLocation;1=sea;2=imperial city;3=anvilBegin OnLoad if ( SCTideRunnerLocation == 1 ) if ( GetInWorldspace SCseas == 1 ) if ( getdisabled == 1 ) enable endif else if ( getdisabled == 0 ) disable endif endif elseif ( SCTideRunnerLocation == 2 ) if ( GetInWorldspace ICWaterfront04 == 1 ) if ( getdisabled == 1 ) enable endif else if ( getdisabled == 0 ) disable endif endif elseif ( SCTideRunnerLocation == 3 ) if ( GetInWorldspace AnvilBay == 1 ) if ( getdisabled == 1 ) enable endif else if ( getdisabled == 0 ) disable endif endif endifend
the problem is that both AnvilBay and ICWaterfront04 are both part of the Tamriel worldspace so i can't use GetInWorldSpace to determine the location, nor can i use GetInCell because they aren't interior cells. how can i go about determining the location of the reference that i have this script attached to???