Concerning Ash Vampires.

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:33 pm

'Weaker cultists become corprus beasts; stronger cultists go through stages to reach the ranks of the Ascended Sleepers' - Dagoth Ur's plans

It is nothing to do with Sixth House ancestry.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:01 pm

Dagoth Ur isn't an Ash Vampire, he's something of his own. We never see what he looks like, so no assumption can be made of what type of Ash creature he is. Personally, I think he's more like an Ascended Sleeper, but he's definitely not an Ash Vampire. His brothers are, but the big man himself's state is unable to be determined.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:24 am

The Ash Vampires were once the councilors of House Dagoth, and are of mixed Dunmer and Dwemer blood, as you can see in their appearance. Then Voryn gave them nifty third eyes.
I THINK (most) Dunmer who become Sleepers (and then Dreamers and so on) are descendants of House Dagoth. Don't quote me on that, though, I can't remember for sure where I read that.

Even if that is true, why would Vivec lie to the Nerevarine about it?

He didn't (sorta). The entity Vivec/V'Vehk (which refers to only the combined dual personas of Vekh-Vekh) did not murder Nerevar. Vekh the god did not murder Nerevar. Vekh the mortal murdered Nerevar.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:45 am

Dagoth Ur initially relied on the descendants of Third House nobles adopted by the other Houses as targets for his dream sendings. By the Third Era, the bloodline has been eradicated and any ancestry is too diffuse to matter, as half a town may be 2% Sixth House.

The way I see it, the ones susceptible to the dreams are the most embittered, traditionalist Dunmer who hate outlanders the most and aren't Ashlanders or devout Tribunal devotees.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:50 am

I thank you all for your educated and helpful answers! You've helped me a bunch in my efforts to up my lore skill-z.
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Anthony Santillan
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:40 pm

God I'm sure this thread is completely dead, but I was surprised that no one mentions (that I saw, I kinda skimmed over the last dozen posts) that Ash Vampires are not True vampires, or even un-dead. I think most of that is based off of the fact that turn-undead spells and the like don't work on them.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:02 am

I think most of that is based off of the fact that turn-undead spells and the like don't work on them.

Well, typically you need to come into contact with a Vampire to become one and usually the local legend involves Molag Bal doing something horrible to an otherwise good and descent person. The Ash Vampires on the other hand are Dagoth Ur's kin and he brought them back to life with the heart. They're called vampires because they feed of the Heart, hence their other name Hearth Wights.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:57 am


Ash vampirism differs from poryphic hemophilia, the common notion of the "vampiric disease".

"Vampirism" is taking life from something living. "Ash vampirism" (unknown until the advent of Dagoth Ur) is taking sustenence from something dead, in this case a god. Dagoth Ur himself, on the other hand, was taking godhood from the dead Lorkhan, which is why he is considered a god and not an ash vampire.

Ash vampires eat the dead essence (ie., the ashes) of Lorkhan that is contained in Dagoth Ur.

My friend in Vvardenfell, Vala Catraso, has this to say about Ash Vampires: "Ash vampires are immortal magical beings of vast powers. Close kin and loyal lieutenants of the Devil Dagoth Ur, they partake of his supernatural vitality."

Going further, another friend of mine in Vvardenfell, Artisa Arelas, had the following to say regarding "vampires": "Blood vampires are powerful undead creatures that feed on humanoid blood. The vampire curse is contracted from disease-contaminated blood; victims of vampire attacks sometimes become vampires. There is no known cure for vampirism but the destruction of the vampire. Ash vampires are not blood vampires; though both are powerful immortal undead, ash vampire do not feed on blood, and have no connection with blood vampires."

I hope this helps.

Yours in the Scrolls,

___The Word Merchant of Julianos
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:10 am

Because those who have ties to Dagoth Ur and 6th house are connected by a hive mind, with his ascended sleepers, sometimes powerful ghouls, and ash vampires being his lesser overminds, the zombies, dreamers, sleepers, slaves being pretty much controlled, and the corprus victims are completely mindless. And no, not almost every dunmer would be of 6th house. Hell, there were only ~3 sleepers per town, and not too many dreamers in 6th house bases., right? I never did manage to sit through and real all that. I actually read most of it out-of-order when I was book-hunting in Morrowind.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:04 pm, right? I never did manage to sit through and real all that. I actually read most of it out-of-order when I was book-hunting in Morrowind.

No...I kinda tried to piece together what I read somewhere down the road in the forums. Alas, my memory seems to be shaky at times :shrug:
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