Gameplay is lore down in every single of its aspects. For example, it is lore that the remove paralysis spell is useless because you can't cast it while paralyzed, so it was made just to be a waste of time and magicka. It is certainly not an oversight. Likewise, it is lore that people can put on a set of armor instantly, or disrobe instantly, or read twenty books and quaff a couple of potions instantly, even when paralyzed (since they can't cast spells, they can at least do that). Finally, it is lore that in the province of Morrowind, people engage in conversation by touching the tip of an arrow blue words that appear somewhere between the two interlocutors.
It's practical reality to save time. Would you really wanna play a game where the character actually takes their clothes of realistically?
It would get boring after a while. Not to mention you're sitting there watching your character disrobe.
The game doesn't force you to use remove paralysis. It's an option. Would you really wanna have your character slowly trying to down a potion because he/she has blight? I mean, there's no perfect game. If I have to sacrifice watching my GUY character take his clothes, or pause while drinking a potion to burp, just to enjoy the game, then by all means...
Lest we forget that in the time since Morrowind's release, I could've gotten a Doctorates degree in human psychology. It's an old game. So for some of you who've just vacationed from Oblivion or Fallout3, don't expect a freakin' hand-holding, glossy, "Awesomo magic devolment drive", fake, and moronicly expensive game, unlike Morrowind.
We've come a long way since the Brown Box and ping-pong, the atari joystick systems, donkie kong and gauntlet on the nintendo systems, Zelda, Driver on the PS1, Driver2, Shinobi, San Andreas, Desert Storm, and Tekken Tag on the PS2. Halo, Halo 2, and Need for Speed on the Xbox. Oblivion, Fallout3, Bioshock on the 360. Remember the roots kiddo...