Oh we're all [censored]s and trolls but thats what makes it so special, you get attached to your character because you put so much time into it, its almost like being a racecar driver (stupid example I know) you work on your car so that its the fastest and can beat anyone and then some [censored] comes and rams you and your car gets destroyed, time to start building that thing better and faster. Not saying that your character resets when you die but if you're not the best you will grind until you are. The pvp experience in this game is like no other out there, your hands will be shaking after a fight, I don't know why or how this game gets adrenaline flowing like that but it does for EVERYONE. This game isn't for pussies, people come and see what the community is like, they either love us because they're fellow asshats or they go back to wow crying. If you're tired of the censored, carebare, baby cradling, wow, wow clone, and typical point and click game that takes essentially no skill what so ever darkfall is the mmo for you. Question to the people here crying about full loot, chances are you're here for TES, well don't you love seeing what your opponent is wearing and then wanting to kill him more to get that gear? Think of the first time you saw that guy wearing daedric, you [censored] your pants and killed that son of a [censored] quicker then anything else in the game because you wanted his gear. I do that everyday in darkfall. I haven't played this game since launch, ive been playing since feb of 2010 and I have caught up, I don't play much at all, maybe 3 times a week for 4 hours, I'm not going to lie my character isn't the greatest in the game but I'm sure as hell considered extremely viable. They have cut the grind by literally 80% from what it was at launch. Time to man the [censored] up get into darkfall and do something that you've never done before. If you don't like it, you're probably better suited for flowers kittens and wow. Any fan of TES should be lactating all over this game by now, but suit yourself, I guess taking it from some 12 year old kid in wow that keeps dancing in front of you is cool, but don't you wish you could drop the kid? you can't in wow cause you're either not in a pvp server (lol chump) or your not in a pvp designated zone (lol chump), in darkfall however, the kid isn't dancing cause that just fking stupid in an mmo and you've already killed him before he could even try it.
Oh and we have the worst community ever? thats your opinion. I personally think we've got the best community ever, we aren't censored by the devs for anything (within reason of course), we're free to humiliate people when they deserve it or when they don't, we're allowed to insult those that need insulting or when they don't, we can do anything within our community because its part of the game. In Darkfall you are completely free to do what ever you want, try calling a kid a [censored] (lol censored) in wow you're banned, muted or warned within 10 minutes. PM a gm in darkfall and say someone came up to you, killed you, took everything you had on you, blew up your city, bind camped you and then sent you a pm saying lol get good [censored] (lol censored) and watch what happens.
My methods of alienating someone that shows the "games obvious drawbacks" Is a sign of love, don't waste your time on darkfall. We would love to have your tears, really we would; but im going to save you those tears.

Btw rp server on WoW later on? we can have a tea party, bulls only im attracted to their nose rings

(L) <3