Smarter Bandit Attacks Please.

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:47 am

Great ideas here, though I don't think devs for this or almost any game will go for random NPCs stealing items from the PC. Maybe some gold or generic items like healing potions, but actually taking a dagger or a ring...don't see it happening - to many people would get pissed. I would enjoy the devs making a very talented theif try stealing one of your best items, which then initiates a quest to get it back (maybe seeking out contact with the thieves guild) where you could get the item back, but I still doubt it.

The archers on a hill ambush would be good, but variety would make it great. Other locations could just be generic dead end alleys in a major town; a steep sided river bed, and natural choke points (as mentioned above). But additionally, I think crafty use of magic and traps would be a way smarter bandits would work. The idea of baiting you to picking up cursed items that encumber you, silence you, or blind you. Using log roll traps, or burning oil, or a disorienting gas to weaken you just before they pounce.

Most of these elements were in the last 2 games, but not employed by enemies, instead they were just placed in dark places, and after you got hit - you healed up and moved on. So place these together with the bandits or other baddies and use them to maximum effect.

Agreed :)
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:53 am

A smart bandit attack should look about like this:

"Halt! Pay up or ... wait ... oh, it's you. Sorry. I was just .. ehehe .. joking, you see. No, no, really. I'm not a bandit or anything, sir! I just ... thought you were someone else. Sorry to bother you, sir. Have a nice day, sir. I'll be on my way then ..."
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:39 am

In my opinion there were several issues with bandit encounters in previous game. Although I have heard that these issues will be adressed in Skyrim via a more complex AI system. Firstly, it perplexes me that the majority of encounters consisted of one bandit. I believe this is unrealistic, as bandits should attack in groups rather then alone (unless they are attacking from range with a bow etc). Secondly, the kamikazee style charges straight at the player were another let down. It makes more sense, and is indeed more immersive, if a bandit was to sneak up to you before they attacked. Also the level-scaling issues which gave bandits glass armor etc were unrealistic and sometimes funny. If a person had enough money to purchase glass armor why would they become a bandit, of all possible proffesions. Hopefully the encounters in Skyrim are better, as bethesda have stated, it would make the game much better.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:47 pm


I don't usually associate the word "smart" with "bandit" in the same sentence, usually they aren't the brightest of enemies.

I would however prefer smarter, more clever AI in monsters who are Supposed to be smart. Dragons or Liches for example, should be damn smart and very hard to kill. In Oblivion the Liches were just as dumb as skeletons (but with a bigger staff), where I thought they should be zapping in and out and throwing all sorts of obstacles in my way when I try to get To them. I found the lich in the old Baulders Gate II game on the PS/2 was Amazingly hard, a great example of how liches should be.

More smarts yes! But a smart bandit would quickly convert into a fat, rich merchant if they were successful at robbing. :P
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:42 pm

I think the first step in making bandit attacks make some level of success is actually having them try to hold you up. They're not random murderers unless they have to be. It's far safer to just get you to give them all your gold.

The second step is making it so no matter if you're level 1 or level 50, a group of 6 bandits will mess you up if you're not superbly skilled or make any mistakes.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:46 am

Also would be nice to have moments when manhuntters chas bandits and you can help them OR you can offer your help to the bandits at time to time
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neil slattery
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:25 pm

As enemies are no longer going to level bandit/highwaymen groups should get larger the higher level you are. At level 1 you should actually be afraid of a bandit who should be around level 10-15, it would give you a reason to pay up what little you had.

At around level 30 you should still be confronted by a level 15 bandit but waiting in the shadows should be 2 or 3 more. At level 50 there should be groups of about 6 possibly led by a bandit leader.

This would be logical if you are completing the main story as the more chaos caused by the dragons and such , the more people their would be forced to rob and kill to survive
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:22 am

That would serve to the immersion and would only be positive. I would like to see this in Skyrim and I would be suprised if this isn't featured. I'd be somewhat dissapointed... :( Dis come haz too!
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:40 am

Here's an idea, for when you encounter bandits on the bridge like Oblivion:

Two bandits either side of the bridge, waiting. The first set simply let you cross onto the bridge, preferably without alerting you to their presence. The second stop you, demand money, whatever. What you refuse, group two attacks, and while you're taking them out, the first group come on to the bridge and attack you in the flanks.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:43 am

At some point, when your character has reached a certain level, and possible gained some fame or infamy, common bandits should know better than to attack at all. They should simply run or hide, rather than commit suicidal attacks.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:16 am

This would be logical if you are completing the main story as the more chaos caused by the dragons and such , the more people their would be forced to rob and kill to survive

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Timara White
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:41 am

Remember that pair of bandits outside Gnisis, in Morrowind? One had about 90% chameleon, the other played damsel and asked you to grab her ring from the bottom of a pond. Once you pick up the ring, it's on!

That was cool.

Oh, the memories! I hadn't thought of that in several years. It was a great side quest, I hope the devs have that in good memory when they design their radiant quests.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:02 am

I'd like random encounters like Red Dead Redemption please.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:24 am

Oh and now that I thought of it, things like from Fallout New Vegas too please! :biggrin:

One of my favorite moments was walking through Freeside and having a guy come running down the alley waving me down, I talk to him and he says " Quick follow me! " so I do... he leads me down the alley and looks at a body between two dumpsters, I ask " What happened to him? " and he replies " He was the last guy that followed me here! " and attacks me! I loved that.
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Isabella X
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:29 am

Oh and now that I thought of it, things like from Fallout New Vegas too please! :biggrin:

One of my favorite moments was walking through Freeside and having a guy come running down the alley waving me down, I talk to him and he says " Quick follow me! " so I do... he leads me down the alley and looks at a body between two dumpsters, I ask " What happened to him? " and he replies " He was the last guy that followed me here! " and attacks me! I loved that.

Yeah that was awsome i hope theres like 500 times more of that kind of stuff
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