Why Can't there be a Compilation Pack?

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:38 am

After my wonderful long years of playing Morrowind and Oblivion, I had to wonder...

Why were Battlespire, Daggerfall, and Redguard pushed under the carpet? They're certainly no Oblivion or Morrowind, but they still deserve merit in the series creation for the Elder Scrolls. As a fairly new member of the Elder Scrolls bandwagon, I did not have the opportunity to play these three titles before they disappeared from legal downloading. I am indeed aware that Arena is a freeware game now, but the others are not. These three games are part of an award winning series, and even if they aren't quite up to par with their older siblings, why can't there be some sort of compilation pack that includes these three Elder Scrolls titles?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:30 am

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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:44 am

Well, the always-amazing Daggerfall is also up for download from BSG.

In my searching for the games, I never heard this. The wikis all give the links to Arena, but not to Daggerfall.

Conjure up for me a link, and I'll conjure up for you respect. Still, what about the other two?

Ninja Linked, good work my man.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:37 am

In my searching for the games, I never heard this. The wikis all give the links to Arena, but not to Daggerfall.

Conjure up for me a link, and I'll conjure up for you respect. Still, what about the other two?

Ninja Linked, good work my man.

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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:10 pm


That doesn't really tell me anything about Redguard and Battlespire, though.

It seems to me that just because I was late to the Elder Scrolls party, that means that I can't participate in all the older games. I'd gladly pay 20 bucks for Redguard and Battlespire, just for the opportunity to play them and not feel bad about pirating a great series. gamesas could even host them as free downloads on the very same download page, even better.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:59 pm

Arena is free and Daggerfall is free. But Battlespire and Redguard are not, and you have to buy them, like any other game. You can easily find them on sites like Amazon, though if you want to buy a new copy in the original box it will cost a lot, in some cases as much as a brand new PC game today.

Battlespire and Redguard were very poorly received when they came out, and put Bethesda close to bankruptcy. Releasing a compilation pack now would only serve to appease the few TES fans out there who are curious in them but were not around for them when they were first released. They wouldn't make that much money off of any sort of compilation pack and it just wouldn't be worth going through the hassle.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:05 am

Arena is free and Daggerfall is free. But Battlespire and Redguard are not, and you have to buy them, like any other game. You can easily find them on sites like Amazon, though if you want to buy a new copy in the original box it will cost a lot, in some cases as much as a brand new PC game today.

Battlespire and Redguard were very poorly received when they came out, and put Bethesda close to bankruptcy. Releasing a compilation pack now would only serve to appease the few TES fans out there who are curious in them but were not around for them when they were first released. They wouldn't make that much money off of any sort of compilation pack and it just wouldn't be worth going through the hassle.

I would like a Battlespire/Redguard free download release for the next Bethesda anniversary. Isn't their 25th year of existence anniversary next year?
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:46 pm

Releasing a compilation pack now would only serve to appease the few TES fans out there who are curious in them but were not around for them when they were first released. They wouldn't make that much money off of any sort of compilation pack and it just wouldn't be worth going through the hassle.

I'm a fan too, I paid money for the titles I could pay money for. I'm not adverse to paying money, but they could release them as freeware as our Seti18 has mentioned. Paying 100+ dollars for original copies just doesn't sit right with me. We're not all moneybags in this economy, I just want to play the game.

It should be important for gamesas to keep up appearances and show their fans the stuff that some of them could have possibly missed out on. We weren't all there for Battlespire and Redguard, I don't want to miss out on an Elder Scrolls game, even if some people think it was bad. I'll be the judge of that, and it'll let me finish off my Elder Scrolls collection before TES V comes out. I love the Elder Scrolls series, it just svcks that two of the games are missing from what is available for play.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:40 pm

I'm a fan too, I paid money for the titles I could pay money for. I'm not adverse to paying money, but they could release them as freeware as our Seti18 has mentioned. Paying 100+ dollars for original copies just doesn't sit right with me. We're not all moneybags in this economy, I just want to play the game.

It should be important for gamesas to keep up appearances and show their fans the stuff that some of them could have possibly missed out on. We weren't all there for Battlespire and Redguard, I don't want to miss out on an Elder Scrolls game, even if some people think it was bad. I'll be the judge of that, and it'll let me finish off my Elder Scrolls collection before TES V comes out. I love the Elder Scrolls series, it just svcks that two of the games are missing from what is available for play.

Bethesda has better things to do than worry about releasing them for free because you won't buy them. They are far too pricey, and too short and linear to pay so much for, but they are still available to you if you desperately want to play them. I agree with you that it would be nice to see Bethesda release them for free, but that likely wont happen until for a number of years, until the next substantial Elder Scrolls anniversary. It was already extremely generous for Bethesda to release the first two elder scrolls games for free, especially considering they're more costly than Redguard and Battlespire, so saying they should release yet another two games "to keep up appearances" doesn't sit right with me. If you wont buy them, wait a few years for Bethesda to release one or both of them for free, but at the present time I think it's far too much to ask to release them for free now.
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