Universal Ability Poll

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:12 pm

Certainly changes some of the situation, but most games don't have such a short radius, or the dot flares regardless of the radius on the radar screen (many games have it flare on the minimap as well.)

Even within 10 meters if I fire a gun from inside a building that you are on the outside of you shouldn't be able to pin point exactly where I am.

And don't think of it as a complaint, it's simply a counter point within an argument. I live with it the way it is, and use the perks to get around it. Of course I get hate mail because using Ghost and a silencer is "noob" and "cheap".

I'm not meaning the word "complaint" as a negative.

If there's a 100m radar that tells you where everyone is when they run or shoot, I think complaining about it qualifies as "legitimate complaint" even with Silent running and multiple silencer options.

And I think, if you have a 10m radar, and get a vague directional blur on the edge of the radar (not a specific "blip") when they're outside that distance, it'll be fair enough.

Also, it depends how fast you DISAPPEAR when you stop shooting as well. I hope you vanish pretty much instantly, or the indicator doesn't track movement when you stop performing actions that reveal you, so you can sprint one way, get revealed on the radar, then sneak your way back the other way while your enemies move to cut you off.
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Nuno Castro
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