Today I bring you something to talk about, that IMO, we haven't discussed enough.
I came across this awesome blog in Gamespot where the blogger talks about how hype ruins gaming experience, giving examples., by GabuEx.
This isn't an isolated incident, either. Rather, this is symptomatic of what I believe to be a problem that pervades almost all of gamer-dom. Namely, we form expectations. For everything. Often, this is almost completely subconscious - we hear about the idea behind a game, and we instinctively picture what we personally would consider the perfect implementation of such an idea, perhaps without even realizing we did this. Sometimes this can be completely explicit, too: when a game is announced, people will often rush to their favorite forum and post a thread in which they talk all about what they want the game to be like. Others then chime in with what they want the game to be like. Usually, these users' different desires will end up being mutually exclusive. And that's a problem, given that they're all centered around one single game that can't fulfill all of these desires at the same time.
Truly, if we play games for what they are without comparing it too much with our expectations or with previous titles we would find them far more enjoyable. I'm not saying that we shouldn't be making suggestions or talk about how WE would like the game to be. We just need not freak out when it doesn't meet our expectations. Read the whole blog for more insight.
Discuss, just keep it friendly and TES related.