Castle Ravenpride is the only quest mod I have uninstalled before finishing it, because of a number of immersion-breaking design decisions, so my answer is "no".
The main problems, was that the mod used invisible walls to lock your movements into certain paths, which goes totally against Oblivion's free world, and was worsened by the fact that the mod's followers managed to get stuck outside those invisible walls.
Other problems was that at certain stages, if you talked to the mod's NPCs, there was no option to tell them to wait, meaning that they followed you even when I was planning to do some completely unrelated quests. And that it disabled all player controls during some combats, making you have to just stand and watch the fighting.
So if you want a good quest/castle mod, go for Hoarfrost Castle (my favourite), or Glenvar Castle (though I think its quest is broken a couple of places as well).