» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:01 am
After about a month I don't think we'll see that many Snipers. From what we've seen and been told, Sniping will be a great way to die. Sniping requires an accurate, long range, and powerful weapon with a relatively safe spot that gives a view of the battlefield. Brink doesn't appear to offer any of that. Not to mention that Brink rewards players for being in proximity to each other and the maps are objective based, so being a Sniper won't really reward you like it does in MW2 or BFBC2.
I do think we'll see some players move into more of a Marksman role. They'll use the rifle in a support role, moving with the team, but hanging a little back to pick off other lights or assist in killing med/heavies. That said, I don't think we'll see too many of these because I doubt they'll earn as many points as the folks fighting directly on the front lines.
I will miss all those knife kills I got from Snipers in MW2 and BFBC2.