I'm afraid this won't really do what you're after. Once your sRealTimeReset got set to 1 once it won't enter this part of your code anymore unless it is set back to 0. This means after the first run the section which does set it back to 0 isn't processed anymore either.
Once sRealTimeReset is no longer 0 fTimer will not be incremented and never get compared against fRTInterval, even if it would.
You need to do the increment and comparison for reset of the condition before the condition to pop up the messagebox, not inside of it.
What are you intending to achieve with this "Set fTimer to fTimer / 60"? Should it turn seconds in minutes? The first run this might do, fTimer being 0 initially, getting a fraction of seconds added and then divided by 60 makes it a fraction of minutes. This is then compared against the fRTInterval. But next run this fraction of minutes gets another fraction of seconds added and becomes... neither minutes nor seconds anymore. If you treat this then as seconds again for the next division by 60, it will be far smaller than it should be, treating what should be minutes as only seconds now.
If your fRTInterval is in minutes, why not writing the condition like "If fTimer > 60 * fRTInterval"? fTimer could remain a sum of seconds which would properly get incremented each run.
I'd say rewrite this into:
If fTimer > 60 * fRTInterval ; if fRTInterval really is in minutes, this makes it seconds, ready to be compared Set sRealTimeReset to 0Else Set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassedEndIfIf sRealTimeReset == 0 MessageBoxEX " Current Date and Time %r %z, %z %.0f %z:%z %z", svDayoftheWeek, svMonth, fDayoftheMonth, svHumanHours, svHumanMinutes, svAMPM Set sRealTimeReset to 1 Set fTimer to 0 ; so it starts counting seconds againEndIf
On first run the incrementing and comparison taking place "before" the messagebox pops up doesn't matter here, because sRealTimeReset is 0 and remains 0 until the messagebox pops up, and when this happens fTimer gets reset to 0 anyways to start over at this point.
I hope I got what this script is intended to do right here.