If you want a challenge (we assume it'll be difficult), remember Axel's request for additional bones that the game will recognize?
At present the game will only animate certain named bones even if the Nif and keyframe file contain others. (IIRC, the current list of bones is available on Psychodog)
I would need testing data to be able to tell how easy it is. There hasn't even been a "normal"/in-character animation replacer yet, good animators are rare, it seems like work for no particular goal.
WHERE IN OBLIVION DID SHADOWS COME FROM IN MY MORROWIND? Also, does the Gamebryo version Morrowind uses support Shadow maps instead of ugly fugly shadow volumes?
It probably does, but being a 2002 era engine it would look just as fugly.
My memory isn't good. But I remember I did disable the ripples(non pixel shaded water's). I am not crazy. Well, maybe a little

If you mean the ripples when you walk through water, that can be set in morrowind.ini. I tried to fix TWA, it works except the cell loader resets the visibility every time you change cell; is that good enough?
i have one bug that may or may not be worth fixing. when a skill is increased by script or dialog, it doesn't reflect in the level-up screen progress. on one hand, this is detrimental to players using the vanilla level up system, lowering potention max level. the other hand, this would cause headaches for those using scripted level up systems. of course, being that options are optional...
another bug per se is that fatigue/magicka is recalculated when governing attributes are affected, which will remove any custom value in the construction set. so say you set a creature to have 500 fatigue, but as soon as a spell affects endurance, strength, willpower, or agility, it'll reset the value to the determined formula governing fatigue. magicka is the same, except the value in the constuction set will never work for npcs.
i'm not sure if this is a bug or mechanic, but npcs and creatures die when their health is equal to 1 or less, rather than 0.
1. A small patch could change just those advancement scripts and dialog to use MWSE.
2. This will probably cause a large amount of secondary issues.
3. If I touch that the game will probably explode. Fragile assumptions and stuff.
Here is some 3th person screenshots:
http://i31.tinypic.com/2007ee1.jpg - http://i30.tinypic.com/51vujd.jpg
The first pic MGE is disabled and I get the same result if I activate MGE. On the second picture I'm using MGE without distant land enabled, if I then disable MGE this picture renders fine.
Can some explain why this happen. I think it's something too do with the alpha channel. Sometimes is also happen with my hair but only some hair replacer mod. My PC get bald when he/she is under water seen from over the water surface. I have always wondered about these odd water render issues.
Do you think thise render issues can be fixed/corrected Hrnchamd when you get time?
Transparent things have to be drawn in the strict order (far distance to near distance) to make it look right. Here the transparent water cuts right through the transparent armour and there is no ordering where one is always in front. It can't be fixed all the time. In this case, if you change your armour to use alpha test instead of alpha blending it will look better.