Thanks for the responses, I made a Find Package exactly how you made it sornan but STILL it didnt work... I tried to vary it in many many ways, i removed the Zeros out of all the names in this matter, I tried with and without StartConversation. I know it should work, even Bethesda does it like this, but the Guard doesnt talk to me.
What happens is that he comes to me, *says* "Hello blah blah" but not in a Conversation, he just says the Generic Greeting thing to me. He also tries to activate me, grabbing his hands to me, but no Conversation.
They do have a Greeting topic, which the Guard says when I talk to him, I disabled all other mods. I changed the order of loading the esp,esm files
I started a whole new character, startConversation was kind of blocked by some mess in my old Char it seemed. Still the Finf Package alone didnt work.
Anyways I solved it with an addition in the script with the startconversation thingy. This way the guard is running to me but still greets me.
Begin Gamemodeif "0ik0Hauptquest".GuardsAlarmed == 0 if self == 0 set self to Getself endif if player.GetInFaction 0ikKultFaction == 0 if GetLos player == 1 set "0ik0Hauptquest".GuardsAlarmed to 1 evp message " Soll Spieler ansprechen!" endif endifelseif "0ik0Hauptquest".GuardsAlarmed == 1 if self.GetDistance player <= 200 StartConversation player, Greeting endifendifEnd
Thanks for your help all, always nice to find help here

Greets sHs