I prefer the dragon scenery one. http://www.gamestar.de/_misc/images/original.cfm?pk=2198717
World looks pretty damn big for same as Oblivion.
That's a great pic too, but I don't like the sky. Looks weird :confused:
The world isn't big. At first, it may look big. But after a while, you'll realize it's not. Just look at the trees. They're really big, means they are very close.
Just compare with this pic: http://www.edupic.net/Images/Contributors/CW_cascade_mountains.JPG
We'll never ever get any "big" landscapes in 41 square kilometers, as sad as it sounds

Any mountains and valleys will be incredibly scaled down to somewhat ridiculous sizes.
I'm hoping the movement speed is slower than in Oblivion though. It would help a bit with making it feel bigger...