The higher your hopes the further you have to fall. I like getting my hopes up also because if our theories are correct you get a sense of adrenaline from being correct and have managed to use basic psychology to decipher clues that they leave behind.
To be honest, though, from where I stand it looks like these forums just grasp at every single titbit even vaguely reminiscent of a straw to pull it apart and over anolyse it (something I myself am now guilty of as well.) If that's a trend that's going to continue BGS will have to be extremely stealthy and careful with their announcement for the forums to not have "figured it out" beforehand.
That said; there's no harm done in a group feeling good about themselves no matter how merited it may be. (Except in early childhood where it can lead to a variety of personality disorders, but that's a wholly different subject.) The only time this has been done well was with the announcement of Portal 2.