For those of you who know me, great, for those of you who don't, you probably shouldn't anyways because I'm not that important.
Anyways, if you couldn't tell by the poster name, I am IAMTHEEMPEROR, and a loooooong while back I took over a mod called Unique Landscapes: Brena River Ravine. Like my predecessor on that mod, I stopped working on it for the longest time, at which point Arthmoor, who is a very good man, finished it up for me so it was playable as it was in it's current state. Much thanks to Arthmoor, because he shouldn't have had to finish where this idiot (I) left off.
I came back a while after the mod's release and played with it, but was slightly depressed because it was missing a lot of things that I would have liked to put in there, but didn't. So I began adding the things I had wanted to include, because I thought my ideas were neat and pretty (at least they seem that way to me), and I revamped just a few different places. About halfway through my working on it, I thought that I might actually release my version of the mod. I debated with this quite a bit, because the last thing I wanted to do was offend Arthmoor or anyone else who was working with Unique Landscapes, if it seemed like I was taking credit away from Arthmoor for actually finishing it (It became his mod after all). But that was almost a year ago.
A few months after my conundrum, I decided that I would probably release it. But actually finishing it came first, and I worked for a long time on it. I added a good deal of new content; content that I probably shouldn't have, and, well, I don't quite want to say the workload was too much, but I found myself busy with other things and stopped working on it yet again.
Which brings me to today. I remembered the sad, unfinished Brena River Ravine sitting in the corner of my hard drive, and became disappointed with myself for never finishing what I had started...again. And I poked through the mod, and realized that a lot of stuff I had added in had no real purpose being there at all. I tried adding too much, and the mod deviated from its original purpose; to bring beauty to a section of the world that didn't have any. And so, it is today that I present you with a half-finished, yet fulfilled mod made by Arthmoor, chuck21, and I.
You may feel free to play it. If you are upset by my decision to release what has become someone else's work, please say so. If you don't want to play it, I wouldn't hold it against you. But it is what it is, and I just wanted to say: I'm Sorry.
I'll be checking my messages on here for the next few weeks or so. If you find any problems with it, you can tell me here or on TESNexus where I will be uploading it. For everything else, you can read the description on TESNexus.
EDIT: Mod removed. Don't want people following broken links