I own an xbox 360 and the GOTY edition of Oblivion.
The few remaining acheivments I have are primarily the Fighters Guild and Mages Guilds quest.
I am an avid acheivment hunter and would like to finish all of the Oblivion acheivments.
I am cought up on a snag here. The quest im on (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Mystery_at_Harlun%27s_Watch) is glitched I think and am wondering if someone can tell me from my details if it is, or if im missing something.
The quest details me to talk to someone at Harlun's Watch and she will direct me to "Swampy Cave" not to far away to find some missing villagers.
There are some wisps or willows there that I have killed.
After that, a quest message appeared and told me I should investigate the cave and try to find the missing people.
I have entered the cave and come across some swamp trolls that I easily and swiftly disposed of.
I then found a pile of bones and the body of "Eduard Denile" and another quest message appeared stating "Inside the Swampy Cave, I've found the corpses of the townsfolk that are missing. It looks like trolls have been feeding on the people weakened by the will-o-the-wisps. I should make sure to clear out all the remaining trolls from the cave complex."
So I then continuted exploring the cave and sub-caves exterminating all the trolls I came across.
When the last troll was slain I did NOT receive a quest notification to return to Harlun's Watch and tell the quest giver the news of my discovery.
So I left and went back to her anyways and told her.
She could only reply to me that she wishes for me to return to the cave and kill all the trolls. (which I already did)
So alas, I am wondering these empty caves searching for some form of life.
I even waited an in game week both inside and outside the cave to see if any of the trolls would respawn.
I have checked Oblivion Wiki for extra bugs and resolves, but the information there leads me to believe the quest is NOT glitched, just that I am missing something.
Please, if anyone has any information about this quest and problem, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,