Fighers Guild (HELP!)

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:46 am

Oblivion Forums! I beseech you!
I own an xbox 360 and the GOTY edition of Oblivion.

The few remaining acheivments I have are primarily the Fighters Guild and Mages Guilds quest.
I am an avid acheivment hunter and would like to finish all of the Oblivion acheivments.

I am cought up on a snag here. The quest im on ( is glitched I think and am wondering if someone can tell me from my details if it is, or if im missing something.
The quest details me to talk to someone at Harlun's Watch and she will direct me to "Swampy Cave" not to far away to find some missing villagers.
There are some wisps or willows there that I have killed.
After that, a quest message appeared and told me I should investigate the cave and try to find the missing people.
I have entered the cave and come across some swamp trolls that I easily and swiftly disposed of.
I then found a pile of bones and the body of "Eduard Denile" and another quest message appeared stating "Inside the Swampy Cave, I've found the corpses of the townsfolk that are missing. It looks like trolls have been feeding on the people weakened by the will-o-the-wisps. I should make sure to clear out all the remaining trolls from the cave complex."
So I then continuted exploring the cave and sub-caves exterminating all the trolls I came across.
When the last troll was slain I did NOT receive a quest notification to return to Harlun's Watch and tell the quest giver the news of my discovery.
So I left and went back to her anyways and told her.
She could only reply to me that she wishes for me to return to the cave and kill all the trolls. (which I already did)

So alas, I am wondering these empty caves searching for some form of life.
I even waited an in game week both inside and outside the cave to see if any of the trolls would respawn.
I have checked Oblivion Wiki for extra bugs and resolves, but the information there leads me to believe the quest is NOT glitched, just that I am missing something.

Please, if anyone has any information about this quest and problem, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:32 am

Have you gone into the Swampy Cave Dry Rock run something-something?? Should be a door somewhere, go through it and kill last few orcs/trolls I think.

If not, loot the dead guy's letter, that may help. Usually you have to explore the both parts of a cave. Caves tend to have a main part, then a secondary part.

Have a good look around, first. Hope that helps :)

Edit -- just saw you said you explored sub-caves. Well, try looting the message anyway, really make sure there is not one single troll anywhere. I remember doing that quest that there were lots of trolls everywhere. Loot any dead human corpses you come across too.

If that still doesn't work and you are sure you have done everything the quest required, go talk to the guy who gave you the quest. Otherwise, wait for someone more experiecned than me to come along :)
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 pm

I remember the first time I did that quest it took me seemingly forever. I too figured there was some glitch that wasn't allowing my quest log to update, as I was certain I'd killed everything in the cave. I eventually stumbled upon another area that I had somehow missed before and there were a few more trolls. :facepalm: Even if you're convinced you've searched every inch of the caves thoroughly (like I was) go back and search again. Sorry, best advice I can give.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:29 am

I remember the first time I did that quest it took me seemingly forever. I too figured there was some glitch that wasn't allowing my quest log to update, as I was certain I'd killed everything in the cave. I eventually stumbled upon another area that I had somehow missed before and there were a few more trolls. :facepalm: Even if you're convinced you've searched every inch of the caves thoroughly (like I was) go back and search again. Sorry, best advice I can give.

^Exactly what happened to me. Best bet, go to Mystic Emporium in the Market or even Discount Spells and get yourself the best Detect Life you are able to cast. It levels phenomenly quick, so buy a cheap, small one, level up to 25 and get the next best one. Then go back to the cave and cast it. Purple splodges are living beings, most likely Trolls. Should help. Check your map for unexplored areas, passages that you haven't gone down. Just one troll can be hiding that you have to kill. You will get a message when you kill everything.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:59 am

I did some quick research on "".
It says there are 2 zones here :
Zone 1: Swampy Cave
Zone 2: Swampy Cave Dry Rock Run

To further these details
Zone 1: Swampy Cave
Eduard Denile (dead) at location Q on map
7 Swamp Trolls (quest-specific leveled variety; non-respawning)

I only found 6 Swamp trolls

Zone 2: Swampy Cave Dry Rock Run
8 Swamp Trolls (quest-specific leveled variety; non-respawning)

All 8 accounted for

The one troll that I cannot find is located on map. it is the most TOP RIGHT corner by itself.

Thats the troll right when you enter, take a left at the fork and go up the small hill were there are 3 chests.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:44 pm

Your problem is something that is associated with the pre-GOTY version. With the pre-GOTY, this would end the quest line. Trust me, I've been there, and called Bethesda, back in the time when they actually answered the phone.... and they confirmed that this was a major problem. Are you sure you have the GOTY? You can download patches that should help this problem.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 pm

Your problem is something that is associated with the pre-GOTY version. With the pre-GOTY, this would end the quest line. Trust me, I've been there, and called Bethesda, back in the time when they actually answered the phone.... and they confirmed that this was a major problem. Are you sure you have the GOTY? You can download patches that should help this problem.

Yes I am sure this is the GOTY, it says it on the disk. When I bought it, it came with 2 disks, the play disk and the expansions disk.
That and my game is currently %100 up to date.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:19 am

How long ago was your last save? Can you reload it? Try a save from before approaching the cave, if not, try a save a bit back, I know you will have to redo some things. In the GOTY version on 360, I've never had this problem again.

Another thought: sometimes it takes two times to select a topic in conversation, for the game to actually register that I have clicked on it. Would this help you?
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:23 am

How long ago was your last save? Can you reload it? Try a save from before approaching the cave, if not, try a save a bit back, I know you will have to redo some things. In the GOTY version on 360, I've never had this problem again.

Another thought: sometimes it takes two times to select a topic in conversation, for the game to actually register that I have clicked on it. Would this help you?

I just tried going there from a older save, all I found were 3 trolls, all dead.
The place where the body is supposed to spawn is empty with no skeletons or bodys.
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:48 am

Hmmm. How about an even earlier save? Sorry, that's all I can think of. This quest infuriated me to no end on the pre-GOTY. I actually had to wait until the GOTY came out to be able to finish it. But it works perfectly for me now, that is, when I am in the Fighter's Guild. You might want to wait until the morning, as more users will come on the boards. Someone might have a different solution for this.... :)
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:04 am

Hmmm. How about an even earlier save? Sorry, that's all I can think of. This quest infuriated me to no end on the pre-GOTY. I actually had to wait until the GOTY came out to be able to finish it. But it works perfectly for me now, that is, when I am in the Fighter's Guild. You might want to wait until the morning, as more users will come on the boards. Someone might have a different solution for this.... :)

I appreciate the help dude.
I just seems like there is 1 troll that didnt spawn.
Do you think I should de-patch my 360?

Ive gone back to my 30th save and I have close to 200 saves and 2 of the trolls there are dead already. I dont remember killing them.
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phillip crookes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:01 am

de-patching my system actually didnt do a thing. Just made my expansion armor and weapons look really funny.
I even went back to an old save file I used to have some 3 years ago that I managed to save off my old hard drive.
Even that character had 3 trolls in the cave BEFORE the quest and 2 dead.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:07 pm

Man, I don't know what to tell you. Ask a moderator or make that call to Bethesda. Hope things work out....
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:40 pm

Man, I don't know what to tell you. Ask a moderator or make that call to Bethesda. Hope things work out....

What should I tell them? Can they jump into my game and make one appear?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:40 pm

well I called and got a machine saying they were CLOSED!
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:03 am

Here's an interesting development.

I started my game up today, and for some reason everything is loading EXTREMELY SLOW.
It wasnt yesterday.
I cant even skip the beginning intro like I was able to. It runs me trough the whole cycle.
Like my controller doesnt even work when I start the game. Only when it gets to the menus
can I actually control the game.

The game is installed to my 360 Hard Drive.
Do you think this could be due to an expansion pack?
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:05 am

Here's an interesting development.

I started my game up today, and for some reason everything is loading EXTREMELY SLOW.
It wasnt yesterday.
I cant even skip the beginning intro like I was able to. It runs me trough the whole cycle.

I'm not sure if this is your problem, but there is a known bug called the "abomb" that cause animations (like door openings, fire, spell effects) to run extremely slowly.

It happens randomly, usually after a large (over 200) number of hours. There is an unofficial patch for the PC (though no one knows why it works) but no fix for the xbox or PS3.

Since you mention "everything loading EXTREMELY SLOW" I'm not sure if this is your problem. Generally it does not affect cell loads, but it does dramatically slow down animations (to the point that the game is unplayable).

Much more info here:

Regarding Swampy Cave:

Might consider going through it with detect life. Some of the trolls may be in passageways that are hard to find.

Conveniently there is a detect life helmet in the first zone at marker H on this map:
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:58 am

I'm not sure if this is your problem, but there is a known bug called the "abomb" that cause animations (like door openings, fire, spell effects) to run extremely slowly.

It happens randomly, usually after a large (over 200) number of hours. There is an unofficial patch for the PC (though no one knows why it works) but no fix for the xbox or PS3.

Since you mention "everything loading EXTREMELY SLOW" I'm not sure if this is your problem. Generally it does not affect cell loads, but it does dramatically slow down animations (to the point that the game is unplayable).

Much more info here:

Regarding Swampy Cave:

Might consider going through it with detect life. Some of the trolls may be in passageways that are hard to find.

Conveniently there is a detect life helmet in the first zone at marker H on this map:

I do appreciate the help, I have the "Fin Gleam" helmet and I use to so much in dark caves, I have it bound to my selection wheel.
As for the loading, it affecting the whole system. Its not so much animations, all of those run absolutly uneffected. Just loading the game and the menus does it run extremely slow.

Knowing there are supposed to be 7 Trolls in the 1st part of the cave, I used my LB on the limbs of all the trolls that I killed and then placed them all in one room so that it might be easier for me to locate the 7th if I had indeed missed it the 1st time. I have scoured the walls, slashed the bodies of the dead trolls. I have spent many hours in and out of that cave hoping one would appear, or I would run into it. My helmet gives me night-eye and life detect. as I have worn it the entire time inside the cave, no life signs have been seen, and I can see perfectly in the dark to detect movement.
The cave is cleared of trolls.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:07 pm

For the slowness problems, maybe post in the HW/SW Issues forum?

For the troll problem, since you are not on a PC and so cannot use console commands. I can't think of much advice.

The only though would be to leave the area, far away for more than 72 hours then go back to the cave and see if the other Troll appears. I doubt that will work, but it might be worth a try.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:50 pm

For the slowness problems, maybe post in the HW/SW Issues forum?

For the troll problem, since you are not on a PC and so cannot use console commands. I can't think of much advice.

The only though would be to leave the area, far away for more than 72 hours then go back to the cave and see if the other Troll appears. I doubt that will work, but it might be worth a try.

I will try that.
Do you think Anvil far enough to be?
and for 72 In-game hours yes?
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:47 am

I will try that.
Do you think Anvil far enough to be?
and for 72 In-game hours yes?

Anvil would be more than far enough. But I recommend it. You can just fast travel there then back (even if you don't normally fast travel, this is a special case). But make sure it is over 72 hours. Maybe a few extra days.

That causes cells to reset. However, given the bugs in that quest, I kind of doubt it will work. It seems as though those Trolls don't reset. But I suppose there is a slight chance that one of the Trolls fell through the floor or something due to an odd clipping error. And resetting the cell might reposition the Troll. But it is a "longshot".
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:56 pm

Anvil would be more than far enough. But I recommend it. You can just fast travel there then back (even if you don't normally fast travel, this is a special case). But make sure it is over 72 hours. Maybe a few extra days.

That causes cells to reset. However, given the bugs in that quest, I kind of doubt it will work. It seems as though those Trolls don't reset. But I suppose there is a slight chance that one of the Trolls fell through the floor or something due to an odd clipping error. And resetting the cell might reposition the Troll. But it is a "longshot".

I just uninstalled it from my 360's HD and now I am reinstalling it.
Also I tried it on my girlfriends 360 to see if there was a problem with the disk, it ran "right as rain" on hers.
This extremly long loading process is preventing me from even starting, running, or loading the game.

Once I get past that i'll trying waiting a week in Anvil.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 am

I did some research for the loading and came across this article.

Slow Load Times in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? Try This!

Some (but not all) people who have gotten their hands on Oblivion already have complained about long load times. How long, you ask? How about ten whole minutes just for the inital load! Someone from Bethesda made a post on the official Elder Scrolls forum that solves the problem. When you first turn on your Xbox 360 hold down the A button while Oblivion loads. This clears the hard drive cache and lets Oblivion start fresh. Don't worry, you won't lose any game saves or anything. The hard drive cache allows for faster load times by copying and reusing some data to the hard drive, but sometimes the data in the cache can get fragmented which results in slower data access.
The results of using this handy trick? Gamers have reported initial load times as quickly as 45 seconds and then the rest of the game (menus, dialogue, etc.) loads very quickly. I hope this helps some people. The Elder Scrolls Forums -> Xbox 360 Long Pauses with Hard Drive

This worked for me. My game loaded faster than it ever did.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:30 pm

I went to Anvil and waited a week in-game, but no trolls in either cave.
The chests were reset and I was able to find that helmet that was in a chest that wasnt there before.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 pm

Good find on the cache clearing. I clear the cache maybe every three times I load up Oblivion. Having it installed to your hard drive is the right thing. The game runs dramatically smoother and faster by doing this... and surprisingly quieter. I used to know when my 360 was on lol, while playing Oblivion from the disc. If it appears a little laggy right after clearing the cache, I quickly scroll through all my menus, and switch through my hot-key setup in first person view, and everything's good.... it lags for a few minutes as it reloads back into cache.

As for the FG problem.... You might have to make a new character, for this one quest, which is not necessarily a bad thing, depending on how you look at it.
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