As Oblivion was originally designed for Multi-core Consoles, it`s a shame that the PC Version can`t use more than one Core.
If TES V stays the same they can keep it for them selfs.
modern multicore CPUs tend to possess a "Turbo Mode" - even though, uh, that is rather
retro... hehe; never mind...

- wherein the clock goes up when usage of multiple cores goes down, to whatever extent has been decreed.
So, you might have a new quad-core (from Intel or AMD) that, when only using 1 or 2 cores, revs up and disables fully half of its cores. Best of both worlds, so to speak.
Assuming TES V actually happens at all, and isn't a MMORPG, it would be safe to say that many PC gamers are likely to have some well-suited CPUs. And then again, it might be a
totally new engine, so... either way.