
Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:05 pm

I just recently reached level 13 in Oblivion and got infected with Porphyric Hemophilia. I have not yet let myself become inflicted, and have a Cure Poison available to heal myself.

Just wondering, is there any benefit to becoming a Vamp at this stage?
My stats are below....
MerlinBretonClass - Built in MageBirth -- MageHP -- 92MP -- 294F -- 192Strength 43    Intell 92    Will 91   Agili 30    Speed   28    Personality   44   Luck   50

Most of my majors are around 50-60.
I arm Arch Mage and Arena Champion. Not done MQ yet. Will I benefit from becoming a Vamp? Even just a 25% one? Or are they only good for sneaky types?

Thanks in advance :)
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:49 am

Cure Disease is what you need, not Cure Poison. can help you with the exact stats.


You don't want my personal opinion, I've never been a vampire.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:01 am

Cure Disease is what you need, not Cure Poison.

Oh damn. I don't have one of those!! luckily i'm in Anvil at the mo'.....:)

I can pray if everyone says Vamps are not a good idea.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 pm

The powers are reasonably good if your character lacks spellcasting ability, and the boosts to Skills and Attributes can be very powerful. The main problem is juggling feeding gets old fast..
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:24 pm

There are some benefits, improved stats and special abilities. There are downsides too, sun damage means you have to feed every night (that lessens the stat boost and available abilities) or only move during the night. Also if you let your vampirism get too high people may attack you without provocation, and regardless of the vampirism level, everyone will ask if you're feeling alright? :hehe:
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:18 am

I hate being a vampire in my opinion but let's say you start the main questline and you go close an oblivion gate at 2AM and it's tricky so you take a while and you come out at 12PM. Now the sun is out and we all know the sun hurts vampires so now you have to run to a building but! There isn't one for a few minutes down the road and so you die and your trapped in your last save and have to redo everything from that point. I don't recommend vamparism but it's up to you
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james reed
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 am

in my honest opinion i think Dunmers make really good vampires because of their 75% resistant to fire damage, slap on a fire resistant ring or something thant ups that even more and you dont have to worry too much about the sun damage...but being a vampire has its positives and negatives
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:33 am

Now the sun is out and we all know the sun hurts vampires...

Only when the vampire hasn't fed recently. As long as you stay at 25% you're fine.

Even 50% is manageable if you don't fast travel and keep healing yourself on the way to shelter -- and even then, it's most important when the sun's out, because cloud cover will slightly reduce the amount of sun damage received. Just need to use some common sense.

Being a vampire doesn't mean automatic death from sunlight. It's only at 75% and 100% when sunlight becomes dangerous.

I've had a Khajiit who played a vampire, and found him different and interesting, mainly because he hunted other vampires. Since the game doesn't provide clans or quests (other than the cure quest) like Morrowind does, you need to rely more on your imagination and/or mods to find a place in Cyrodiil for your vamp. Mine wasn't in any guilds, and refused to feed on beggars (besides finding it unpleasant, he felt they already had enough to deal with), so he lived in Borderwatch with fellow Khajiit, and now and then he'd sneak into the guard quarters at Leyawiin and snack on the healthy soldiers, then run for cover because they're light sleepers :laugh:

Certain skills and attributes are increased more at each stage of vampirism, and you become more resistant to weapons. The first ability can also be used repeatedly. However, you also gain more weakness to fire along with receiving sun damage, and the other three abilities are Greater Powers, so they can only be used in emergencies. Doing something like the MQ would be considerably more challenging at 100% than 25%, but it'd be possible. Depending on how you play, it can be harder to stay at 50 and 75%; pretty much you're either a total monster, or just look kinda freaky. But the stat boosts can come in pretty handy, and the Hunter's Sight ability can be useful too.

The skills and attributes that are boosted aren't really specific to any one kind of character, but they do favour characters who'd rather slip through the shadows than charge into a fight.
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