I hated that thing even in Mass Effect. It was much more fun in the first one to raise your hand and see that blue creepy things fly up immediately. The only profit of the new system was the possibility to hit an enemy hiding behind something. And it stupid and console-ish not to have to aim. Let's make aroows self-aiming to! :celebration:/sarcasm
It's one thing to have an opinion but you went off the deep end by calling auto-aiming features
in an RPG no less "consolish," especially considering how insanely dominant aiming based FPS games are on consoles now.
You call assisted aiming consolish, I call strictly aiming based magic FPS-ish.
As to the person mentioning Mass Effect being third person, that actually has no bearing on the game play and is only cosmetic. It's more of a strategic sci-fi action RPG than it is a third person shooter/RPG hybrid. You can play it as a strictly third person shooter if you want, but considering you can pause to direct action, choose abilities, or even take an infinite amount of time to aim at will I don't think it's fair to call it a third person shooter (unless they took those things out in the second one, but considering powers are auto-aim like I'm hearing I doubt that). I can understand if it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I for one think it's a refreshingly unique take on the RPG genre.