I remember a site where you could pain a picture online and then you could get a link with the picture and you could share the link. Problem with that site is that the picture size doesn′t allow for too many words and it′s bugged these days it seems. I′ve tried looking up sites where I could write notes online but they all seem to be aimed a people wishing to keep secret diaries doing everything except share the text... so does anyone know a site where I could write a short essay′s worth of a comment and then get a link to it so that I can bypass the character limit in a comment box by just putting up a short link instead ?
If anyone knows such a site or any other way to go around character limits then that would be nice. It′s really annoying how sites give in to spammers and take it out on those who wish to post long and insightful comments rather than spam, but I suppose it′s needed to keep spammers away.