» Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:30 am
I have less faith upon hearing a world is made by hand instead of proceedurally generated. A properly proceedurally-generated world looks more natural than a hand-made one, and is a lot less resource-intense while it provides more content. Of course, it's likely they use Proceedural Generation, followed by tweaking-by-hand to get it right.
I don't like the idea of fewer dungeons... but as long as there are enough to keep me constantly hacking and slashing through them, I'll be fine.
The real problem it looks like their fixing, though, was the tendency for the differences in dungeons to be merely cosmetic. If it doesn't have a noticable impact on the way its explored, it's not different enough.
Personally, I hope the dungeons slowly repopulate over time, instead of having a binary "Cleaned out/Monster Infested" dichtonomy.