Example script:
ScriptName AAACloningQuestScriptFloat FQuestDelayTime ; This adds "FQuestDelayTime" as a variable...Ref Target ; This adds "Target" as a variable...Short Organic ; This adds "Organic" as a variable...Short Container ; This adds "Container" as a variable...Short CurrentKey ; This adds "CurrentKey" as a variable...Short KeyDown ; This adds "KeyDown" as a variable...Begin GameMode ; Begin the script...Set FQuestDelayTime To 0.08 ; This sets the quests delay time...Set KeyDown To IsKeyPressed2 AAANOAHKeys.CloningKey ; Button press detection variables...Set Target To Player.GetCrosshairRef ; Sets the target of the script to whats under the crosshair...Set Organic To Target.IsActor ; Detects whether the target is an actor...Set Container To Target.IsContainer ; Detects whether the target is a container...If (KeyDown) && (Organic) || (Container) ; Button is pressed and the target has an inventory...Target.DuplicateAllItems AAAContainer10 ; Duplicates all the targets items to a custom container...AAAContainer10.Activate Player ; Opens the custom container...Set CurrentKey To 1 ; Set the keys status to one...EndIfEnd
For whatever reason, this script will work to copy the items to the new container, but upon doing so will also create a collection of