Getting ready to go to work in just a bit but will set it up this evening and send you some details of what was done along with a download link -- Did you want it the same size as the current bench it is replacing and with 3 seating positions ? -- After looking at it quickly it is currently a bit smaller size and would probably work better with only 2 positions at its current size but can be enlarged fairly easily as well if the place you want it needs 3 seat locations (so just need to know which you want.)
This is the bench you wanted correct -- ( )
Thats the puppy,.. thank you,. What ever is easyest 2 seats is fine I realy just wanted some seating under a tree in an old Dwarven building where the npc's have a marketplace and can seat to eat
at lunch time, theres 4 seats so far and I could place more so numbers are not an issue,.. ease of work for you is more important, so if you can turn it into a 2 min cut and paste go for it, just need it
sitable to fit in with style, the Aylied bench stick out like a sore thumb
BTW your are a gem man thank you