
Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:29 am

Hello forum,

This is what I did: Downloaded Merged Maps. Downloaded Elven Map Compilation Six (extends map to Stirk, hence the Merged Maps esp fix). Unpacked both into a folder. Replaced the Merged Maps Map texture files with the Elven Map Compilation files. Repackaged. Installed via Wrye Bash. Checked Merged Maps.

I came across success! All of the icons were at their perfect place, and the map I wanted was loaded. I breathed a sigh of relief. Now I could get on to other things....

But then, evidently for some completely arbitrary reason, the very next time I loaded a game, the icons were displaced again. It was as if Merged Maps didn't even exist at all! I went back to Wrye Bash. Annealed the esp. Made sure it was after the bashed patch. Made sure it was checked. Checked for conflicts, overwrites, etc. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. The icons remained displaced.

I had tried futile attempts earlier to, using the CS, change the Tamriel Worldspace Map to fix the problem, as suggested in numerous places. But instead I was met with crash after crash after crash. There was no way there to change the world map. Tamriel Worldspace would crash the CS every time I clicked on it to edit.

If anyone out there can help, please, this is driving me absolutely insane. :banghead:
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:40 pm

I've tried three variations of the expanded maps for other provinces (forgot esp names) but maps with esp nonetheless.

Each did this.

The answers I got from the modders in question was to load the esp last (if I had a dime for every time I'd heard that answer). Still the results remained the same but less frequently.

The other common result was the map area turning white all the time with icons still visible, but seen differently than when running out of memory.

So at the least try loading the esp as the very last esp in the load order - I'm curious if you get different results.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:27 am

So at the least try loading the esp as the very last esp in the load order - I'm curious if you get different results.

Eventually I used the wrye bash install last function, and its at the very end of my load order now. So far its working again. Thanks for this though. It reaffirms that merged maps needs to be at the dead end of the load order. NOTHING can come after it.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:12 am

I got the same problem, but so far I've been able to fix by putting the mergedmaps.esp very last in the load order. For some reason the map gets screwed if I have any esp loaded after mergedmaps.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:20 am

Hi Fiore1300, hope you are liking my map. ;)

It seems to work for me as ordered by BOSS.
For me this is after the Bashed Patch, followed by:
FormID Finder4.esp
Streamline 3.1.esp
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Jeff Tingler
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