» Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:11 am
Yeah in actual fact, mounted combat has been the determining factor in warfare all through history - the "Knights Jousting" was a sporting event, not a method of battle.
Alexander the Great used cavalry as his most prized asset, as did the Persian's of their day. This was also true of the Mongolians, who used mounted-combat to defeat China and most of Asia during the reign of Ghangis Khan - so it was also an Eastern way of war as well. Examples can be found in almost every major battle of history prior to WWI. There are in fact fewer examples of where a ground-based army was able to defeat a mounted one - the Battle of Tours being a significant example to Christian history. None the less, one should not think of Jousting as anything other than a short-lived, ridiculous sport of the rich, and nothing more than that.
I don't think we will see it in Skyrim, as Todd mentioned they were still experimenting - though I have some hope because even he said that he was unsatisfied with mounts in Oblivion. I hope we at least have good horses that we can do stuff while mounted on, even if we don't get formalized combat.