First, wanted to say thanks to everyone on the boards; picked up Oblivion a couple weeks ago, and after reading the boards and installing OOO, i don't think i've ever been this happy playing a game. Loving my Bosmer Sneaky Archer.
My question is: I LOVE OOO, it's amazing, and adds so much to the game and gets rid of stressing over getting a 5/5/5 or other leveling concerns. Wait, that's not a question. Question: Should I start using FCOM? I read a bit about it, and it's 3 other overhauls with OOO - do they add as much as OOO? Are they really resource-heavy? OOO with Oblivion is pretty intensive, but the game still runs smoothly on my machine. I'm a little concerned that the other 3 addons will make things a bit rough.
Any thoughts would be awesome..