FCOM worth installing?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 am

Hey all -

First, wanted to say thanks to everyone on the boards; picked up Oblivion a couple weeks ago, and after reading the boards and installing OOO, i don't think i've ever been this happy playing a game. Loving my Bosmer Sneaky Archer.

My question is: I LOVE OOO, it's amazing, and adds so much to the game and gets rid of stressing over getting a 5/5/5 or other leveling concerns. Wait, that's not a question. Question: Should I start using FCOM? I read a bit about it, and it's 3 other overhauls with OOO - do they add as much as OOO? Are they really resource-heavy? OOO with Oblivion is pretty intensive, but the game still runs smoothly on my machine. I'm a little concerned that the other 3 addons will make things a bit rough.

Any thoughts would be awesome..
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:35 pm

I use OOO too and I agree that it is awesome. However http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/convergence.html does a lot more then OOO, it's up to you if you want this. There's a similar discussion in an another thread, I'll give you a link to it: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1075304 there you can also find further links with comparisons of the mods.

and by the way, your post should be in the mods section, too, requesting the mods...
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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:20 am

I use OOO too and I agree that it is awesome. However http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/convergence.html does a lot more then OOO, it's up to you if you want this. There's a similar discussion in an another thread, I'll give you a link to it: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1075304 there you can also find further links with comparisons of the mods.

and by the way, your post should be in the mods section, too, requesting the mods...

Please use the one linked above and thanks.
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