Yes, I'll admit, it's a fairly big, sprawling mod with a ridiculous amount of stuff added to this one little corner of the game. I've been working on it for ages, mostly just as a hobby to add my own personal castle-town-thing. I mean, I'm not in any hurry to get it finished up and published or anything, but I've put over a year and a half's worth of work into it. My favorite rooms in the castle were nearing completion and I was starting to get around to making sure everybody was in the right factions, had equipment best suited for their classes, carried the keys they would need, I was laying down the pathgrids and putting little personal touches in the NPCs' living quarters, that kinda thing. Playtesting has been minimal, but most of the stuff I really cared about worked just fine. I'm still learning my way around scripts and AI packages, but as long as everybody wanders in the general vicinity of where they're supposed to and sells what I tell them to and the guard dogs don't attack the guards, I'm happy.
What worries me is that this is actually version two of this castle. The first one... had the same thing happen to it, actually, now that I think about it, though I've greatly refined my techniques since then. I still miss the old one, but at the same time I was so happy with how the new one was coming along. That made me think that my mod was just getting too big, but then I realized it's still less than five megs, and the Elsweyr mod is almost thirty! True, I guess I can rebuild with a version 3, but... please tell me there's some sort of way I can determine if this is fixable? Can it be fixed? Or is it just one of those "either it works or it doesn't" situations?