» Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:26 pm
When replaying older games, I often find that the graphics don't look as impressive as they did when I first played them, though this is more because I've been exposed to better things since than anything.
Of course, it's not just with graphics, sometimes when playing older games in a series again I find my enjoyment diminished by the lack of features added in sequels, obviously, this usually only works if the sequel improved on the previous game.
On a more positive note, there are also times when I notice some interesting little details that I might have missed the first time that really make me appreciate the attention to detail the designers put into the game, unfortunately, it can also go both ways, as sometimes in later playthroughs I'll spot lapses in logic or plot holes that I missed the first time, and then I'll think "How did I not notice this before?" though sometimes, it's enough for me to take the time to really think about what I saw afterwards and I don't need to actually play the game.
I'll often end up finding content that I didn't experience playing the game before, sometimes it's secret things, or sometimes it's things that I didn't experience because of choices I made previously, such as an alternate ending. If I replay say, an RPG, I'll often try to make different choices from the ones I made with my first character. And in some games, particularly open world games, there are things which aren't strictly hidden and which I could have seen in one play-through, but missed, this happens in the Elder Scrolls a lot, of course.