OOC: Noted.

IC: Gillie gestured towards me to come, "Care for a drink or something like that?" He said, nodding towards the tavren. The soft whisper of hubbub from afar, the warm light and whom perhaps would be my friend was welcoming enough.
I strode over to the Spellsword, "Why not?" Gentlemen, tonight I lose my virginity to wine! Then a random, out-of-the-blue thought struck me like a hammer. Every being in our band of hunters was at least 2 years my senior. Great, I was the 'kid' of the group. [NUMINIT]!
I had walked ahead of Gille, thinking this rude, I spun around to face him, "Say, what good wine do you know of?"
OOC: Short it may be and crap, but it works.