I just purchased the Oblivion GotY edition off of Steam, after somehow losing my discs for the original game. The game itself runs very smoothly on even the highest settings (no lag, juddering, etc.), but will occasionally crash upon loading new cells or previous save files. I tried lowering draw distances and resolution within the game, but this does not seem to help. My theory is that my GPU is being over-stressed and therefore crashes the game, because the crashes usually happen after I have been playing for an hour or more. However, I can run many other graphics-intensive games (Mass Effect 2, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, BF:BC2) at high settings with no or few problems. My computer is not that high-end, and I have some dated hardware in it, but I upgraded it around the time I first purchased Oblivion (2008), and the game ran with no problems then. My system specs are as follows:
Intel Pentium 4 2.80GHz processor
2.5 GB RAM
512 MB video RAM
nVidia 7600 GS video card
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated; the game crashes way too frequently to be playable right now.