Dissapearing Shirts/Pants on NPCs

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:37 pm

Hi im new to these boards and i just recently ran into an issue of dissapearing shirts and pants after i installed a few mods, i tried replacing the installed textures and mesh files with the old ones i had on backup but i mixed somed things up and now im not sure how to fix the issue. It is not a 'huge' problem, but its an immersion and cosmetic issue i would like to get fixed (preferably without havint to uninstall everything).

I need to request some help from the community for this because i am not sure how to fix this. The dissapearing shirts/pants seem to only be on the npcs roaming around in the Imperial City (thats where i was when i noticed it, i dont know if other cities have the same issue). It seems to be begger pants, and shirts, on Male characters only. It makes their legs and torso invisible (except their hands and feet) but when i kill them and take their shirts then their body appears again...so im guessing just from that its something to do with a texture or mesh shirt file.

Im hoping there are ways to repair this, possibly a download of some kind or someone can try to tell me what file i have to modify and what to put in there?

Thanks in advance.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:37 pm

Please, post in the Mods forum, and be sure to post your load order - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/?page=know_how_to#PostYourLoadOrder

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City Swagga
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