Review of the ATI Radeon HD 5450

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:29 am

This card has gotten some flack for its crappy shader support, which is justified.

However, below is how well it will run certain features.

Resolution Size: 800x600 seems to run best. 1024x768 will still give decent FPS. Any higher, and it turns into Powerpoint

Bloom/HDR: Pick Bloom. HDR delivers a moderate FPS hit.

Grass: Mild hit to FPS. Recommend either using a low poly mod or turning it off.

Shadows (all options): LEAVE OFF! These cause a MASSIVE HIT to FPS.

Reflections (all options): Slightly less severe than shadows, but they do cause a moderate drop in FPS.

All other options can be turned to max.

Average FPS is about 60 indoors, 35-45 outdoors (depends on area). Heaviest/most poorly optimized areas can cause the FPS to drop to the mid 20's FPS wise.

I'm not sure what this card would be rated as, but I'm posting this information for everyone who wants to play the game on one.

Note: I have not tested any other graphics mods aside from HGEC Eyecandy Bodies during these tests, so performance with graphics mods is unknown.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

Good to know. Kind of what I expected from the 5450. These settings are similar to the Radeon X1650pro and 2600pro that came before it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:49 pm

Not too surprising... its a card at the higher range of value chipsets. Basically with a lot of help, the game is playable. However, if you save up to the 75-100USD range you can buy some of the lower or mid priced mid range chipset which blow the Radeon 5450 out of the water. For example the nVidia Geforce GT 240 and the Radeon 5570.

Generally the value chipsets are best avoided.
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