Sorry to hear you're still struggling. Actually, no, I've got no clue what could be causing that: ALEX is very clean and very simple. No scripts, no quests, no possibility of data hanging around: it was an exercise to demonstrate how easy it is to make something fun.
Actually, there is a quest: the Cobl "quest" which updates your old items. Still, I find it hard to see how that would/could be causing your problems.
ALEX also modifies a single vanilla inventory and that's its biggest scope for conflicts, but I have to say I don't quite see that being your problem.
Edit: Huh!?! 200 posts? Seriously? I'll get a new topic up in a minute then.
Edit2: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1095054-relz-alex-ayleid-loot-extended-thread-2/. Please post anything there.
Hi Vac,
Thanks for getting back so soon (you're really awesome about that)... And I believe I owe you an apology. Believe it or not, it appears my issues (fingers, toes, and anything else I can think of crossed) are FIXED, thanks to Wrye Bash's bloat fix of all things. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1094775-allies-for-bruma-trouble/page__p__15985829__fromsearch__1entry15985829, if you're interested. I have not tried yet, and I have no reason to now, but I am sure I could deactivate ALEX now if I wanted to. (and no, I don't want to!)
Off topic (but since this is the end of this thread, what the heck), I have been taking some screenshots of VASE entities as I encounter them. I will gladly shoot them to you if you like. Eventually I am going to throw them up with some others in a gallery online, but that could be a while yet. If you'd like to see what I have in the meantime let me know and I'll zip them up for you.
Oh yeah, and I'll be sure to use the new thread in the future if needed.
Thanks again, and thanks for all of your excellent work. It makes Tamriel so much more interesting!