I have a few questions that relate to the PC. Can anyone help?
1. Can we map all 'actions' onto specific keys. It would be great if everything could be mapped so that things like the objectives wheel becomes redundant on PC.
2. Can any of the screen ornaments be removed (in options/config file)? I don't need to know how many XP, I'm earning from each bullet that lands. I just need some sort of indication (e.g. sound and/or change of crosshair, like COD). I'm also not keen on friendly glow so I would like to try playing with that off, although I understand with the player skin customisation, why it is there. Also, if I select an objective, I'll soon learn where it's located so I won't need that highlighting through walls.
My concern is the screen just looks so busy. I'm sure plenty will disagree, and that's fine, but I just wanted to know if anyone knows whether options like this will be available.
3. I haven't heard anything about pre-ordering dedicated servers. Have they released any info?