performance question on oblivion

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:45 pm

can someone tell me how oblivion has such good fr with so many trees,huge seemingly endless world & so many npc ais running around???
im asking from a developer point of view since im (trying) to make my own 3d rpg sort of like it very good 3d engine? good coding??
im using dark basic pro & my fr really svcks! im starting 2 think its the 3d engine im using. can anyone give me ideas,facts on this??
id really love it if a developer could answer this post. plz
tks! :D
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:34 am

Er, technically? I'd put Oblivion pretty low on the "performance" ladder. It's never been Bethesda's strong point.
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:57 pm

Don't quote me on this but IIRC the long+detailed line of sight is achieved not by rendering everything you see, but by using a 2D 'painting' of things you are too far to interact with. < could be me remembering some mod I used to make more detailed LOS. Also less detail is given to far away objects, which is the reason tree leaves do what they do as you walk through a forest.

And to the poster above, Oblivion ran very smoothly for me even with many many many many mods.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:14 am

It's the engine, language, and coding. If you want to make something comparable to Oblivion you'd better start by learning C++, licensing a decent 3d engine and learning its APIs, and dedicating yourself to programming 24/7 for the next several years. Seriously, think about it: if it took nearly 40 people working everyday for several years to crank out Oblivion it's not something a single individual can reasonably do. If a single person could make a game like Oblivion, then you would see hundreds of self-published titles out there and there would be no need of large development studios.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble but Dark Basic isn't going get you a game like Oblivion on today's hardware.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:03 am

well i know i cant make another oblivion. i just wonder how they have such a huge world? crysis 2 is the same way! it looks almost like no end of there world.dam i wish i knew there secrets! must be a much better 3d engine.

off topic but i heard beth is going 2 make tes 5 just after fallout 3. that svcks! so release date of ??? 2015?? :(
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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:24 pm


off topic but i heard beth is going 2 make tes 5 just after fallout 3. that svcks! so release date of ??? 2015?? :(

Unknown, but you can find MUCH speculation in this thread and its predecessors.
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Ben sutton
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