Batman being reinvented?

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:46 am

batman movies just need to stop. I have never really fully enjoyed one all the way through. The cartoons are great! I wish they could get the directors that do the cartoons to do a movie. They actually know what they are doing.

I really liked the 'Begins and Dark Knight movies.

But I do agree that the cartoons are surprisingly well done. I wish they could transfer some of that to the movies.

The reboot is so that they can do a Justice League movie. ...

I really hope not. The current batman movies have a bit of "realism" in them. Like they just might be able to actually happen. Justice League would break that link - it would be pure fantasy at that point.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:02 pm

So what do you think of this? Are you ready for everything being rebooted all the time?

I don't read comics that often but don't they even do reboots? There are even different lines of the same comic where the same events ended differently (like a the parallel universe idea with just minor differences). So with the comics being redone and altered all the time, why can't hollywood do the same with the movies. As much as I love all the other batman movies, I've loved the recent ones that have much much better special effects.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:01 am

I don't read comics that often but don't they even do reboots? There are even different lines of the same comic where the same events ended differently (like a the parallel universe idea with just minor differences). So with the comics being redone and altered all the time, why can't hollywood do the same with the movies. As much as I love all the other batman movies, I've loved the recent ones that have much much better special effects.

I am glad I quit comics along time ago. I know DC has done this over 15 years ago, and I herd they did it again as well as Marvel. To me that is a cop out. When you have to redo or reinvent something, then that means you have ran out of ideas and can't keep it going.

So now you saying why Hollywood can't do it, just goes to prove, nothing NEW can be done and only everything can be rehashed now.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me. All those writers and creators can think of nothing new? Shamefull very shamefull. Look I can understand sequals, where you keep continuing the franchise, problem is, they are not continuing but just rebooting. Look I know this is no excues, but if you want to compare movies to comics, how many issues are there in comics? 500 and some are almost hitting a 1000. Since alot of issues have 4 Spiderman or 4 Superman or 4 Xmen (well there were 15 years ago, I don't know about now, ) but that would mean over 5000 stories were told. So I could see a "reboot" in comic books to keep it current for the young kids and keep it fresh for older people who collected them for so long.

What is your excuse for Hollywood? 3 movies and now a reboot is needed? For Batman a reboot was needed because the last 2 or 3 Batman movies were a joke, so a reboot was needed. Spiderman doesn't need a reboot, they can continue on using all the characters they have, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO they think it needs to be rebooted with a young Peter Parker being bitten by a Spider. Why should I see it, I already know the story. My 9 year old already knows the story so why does he need it again?

The current Batman did justice and excellence transfering it to the bigscreen, so it doesn't need a reboot. There is so many awsome characters and stories to be done for Batman, we don't need it redone or rebooted again. I guess what Hollywood is admitting is that know one can do Batman justice like Nolan can so it has to be "reinvented" again.

So what is next? The next Fantastic Four movie we get, it will be a Scientist and his girlfriend and her brother and the scientists best friend, and they go out in space and get bombarded with Gamma Rays or what ever Hollywood wants to call it? The first Hulk movie was great. Why did it have to be redone? We haven't had a new Hulk movie yet, but when it comes out it will be rebooted for the 3rd time so it can refresh our memories? Come on are we really that stupid?
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:44 pm

Haven't they been reinventing batman/superman/xmen in the comics since like the 70s? :huh:

Personally, I don't care. Times change, and I think its OK to adapt properties to modern sensibilities. I don't think having multiple versions of something invalidates them, it just gives you more choice.


Guess the OP doesn't read comic books.Remember when the Punisher (Frank Castle) had to have reconstructive surgery during, "The Final Days" 7 part series and was turned into a black man? Probably not. But yes, they do it all the time so its not different for the movie adaptations. And, quite frankly, I'm glad they are resetting the Superman series, because Superman Returns was a pretty bad movie with some cool moments. I've also thoroughly enjoyed the Nolan Batman movies.
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Ellie English
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:36 am

I did read comics, as I said in my post over 15 years ago. :P

I never read about the Punisher having reconstructule surgery to become black. Must have been when I quit.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:41 am

for the love of God........they finally make some good batman movies and decide they want to mess that up as well. please..........PLEASE just stop with the batman movies after the next one. i do not want to go back to the other batman movies where they were driving around in big glowing dlldoes. :facepalm:
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