Game retailer GameStop has apparently decided to buy its way into two PC game-selling technologies at once. In a single press release, the retail giant announced that it will acquire both Stardock’s Impulse download service (a competitor to Steam) and Spawn Labs‘ streaming service (a competitor to OnLive). The release indicates that Impulse will continue to function as normal, but will be fully integrated with within the next few months.
Never used Impulse, as I've got accounts with Steam, GoG, and Direct2Drive--which is too many places for me as it is. That said, my only response to GameStop is "ew," so...ew.
(Our local GameStops are universally terrible. Little to no selection in PC games, and whenever I'd walk into one the clerks would stare at me like "zomg, what's a girl doing here? Is she lost?" :rolleyes: )
Well, GameStop's digital store has some decent games that not even Steam has, so I suppose if their library is integrated into Impulse then that's a good thing.
Looks like we'll have to bid farewell to having good deals on Impulse. Gamestop, in it's retail stores at least, prices games like it has absolutely no concept of the passage of time. I wouldn't be surprised if Gamestop's execs looked at some of the deals on Impulse from the past few weeks and projectile vomited all over their solid gold keyboards.
Let's hope this doesn't change what's so grand about Impulse. It being a constantly offline Steam equivalent, that is.
I agree. If this stops, I will stop using Impulse then. What is the use then having it? All I hope is this will be an alternative to Steam and games will not be Stema exclusive anymore and we can buy DLC from Impulse and not Steam.
Maybe this means Impulse will finally start selling stuff to non-americans too
I find Impulse to be a very good service for the 6 or so games I own on it, but the weekly emails informing me about deals on games they won't sell to me really get on my nerves.
I find Impulse to be a very good service for the 6 or so games I own on it, but the weekly emails informing me about deals on games they won't sell to me really get on my nerves.
I am rather sure there is a way to opt out of their mailing list. Anyway would rather have a quick and easy to delete email than having to go to the site everyday to see what they have going on. :shrug:
I don't mind getting emails in general. I get plenty of emails from similar services that I delete without more than a cursory glance in the majority of cases. It's just the fact that 90% of the time the emails from Impulse are completely useless even if I was interested in the products featured since I won't be able to get them. It comes across more as teasing than a promotion, "Look at the great deal we're giving our other customers". As a marketing tool it seems pretty badly thought out since all it does is associate Impulse in my mind with annoyance.
Doesn't bother me. I only use Steam for digital distribution. I was in Gamestop the other day to buy the keyboard for Rock Band 3. The cashier kept calling me "guy" and pestering me to preorder. If he hadn't called me "guy" like 10 times in our short conversation, maybe I would have, but...I'm a dude, not a "guy". I have a feeling that now Impulse will start calling everyone guy and pestering them.