» Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:23 pm
I have played saxophone ever since fourth grade.. I am now a freshman in college. The brand I am always happy with is Yamaha. you can get a pretty nice one for about $400 to $1,000. Very important to know- Playing the Saxophone isn't cheap! I am always having to buy reeds, and cleaners for it.
The type of reed that I have used is pretty common. It's Rico and I use 3 and a half size. Since you are starting out you may want to go to only 3 or a 2 and a half size. Rico is a good brand, and they are affordable.
For the best positions to hold the saxophone, I would suggest holding it off to your right side first, then when you start getting the hang of that, switch to putting the saxophone in between your legs when you are sitting down. Thats how I learned, and I thought it did pretty good!
If you want to know more, or are having a hard time with any notes, just PM me and I will give you some more advice!