» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:22 am
Ok I fixed it. I installed it again and this time, I check to make sure it showed my monitor(some people when updating there monitor was not show, just some generic one). It did show my monitar but I noticed it there was an icon with 2 screens, which said my display is on 2 screens(which I don't have 2 monitors hooked up). At one point I had a tv hook up(long ago and for a very short period, few minutes perhaps). So I disabled the 2nd display. Then check properties again and I was able to set my monitor at 1080p.
But I have another question, in display it only listed up to 1600xwhatever, then there were 2 hd options so I picked 1080p, is this the way its listed now? Just seems kind of odd.